Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 4 Aspen

Welcome to Year 4 Aspen 

Mrs Moran would like to warmly welcome you to the Year 4 Aspen class page.

Here you will find our-

  • Mission Statement 
  • Curriculum Overview
  • Termly Overview
  • Class Procedures
  • Homework Information

There will also be lots of photos put on over the course of the year so keep visiting to see what we have been getting up to!

Our mission statement:

Curriculum Overview Spring Term


Week beginning the 11.11.19



This week in English we have been looking at poetry. In particular focusing on poems about the war, in honour of the people who fought in the war. We then went on to produce our own poems based around poppies. There were some fantastic poems written, with lots of adjectives, strong verbs and similes being used. 



We have started looking at subtracting 4-digit numbers in maths and will be continuing to focus on this next week. In particular, working on problems where we have to exchange between the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.  


Times tables

The children should all now be set up on Times Table Rockstars and their logins have been sent home with homework. This is a great way for the children to become more fluent with their times tables and they can login at home. We will be using it in school alongside our conceptual teaching of the times tables. 
