Morning Prayers.
Morning Prayer
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here,
Let the rooms be full of happiness,
Let love abide here
Love of one another,
Love of Mankind,
Love of life itself,
Let us remember that.
so many hands build a house and
so many hearts make a school.
School Prayer.
Please Bless our school,
as we try to love, learn, share and respect
in the light of Jesus.
St Alban Pray for us.
9:00 - 9:20 - Get Ready for the Day
Your morning zoom call with your teachers will start at 9:10am. Use the ten minutes before this to get yourself set up for your English lesson and have a little browse of what you are doing during your day. If you have time, spend time reading your own book to warm up your brain for the day.
11 - 12 - Maths
Please see your group for todays maths work.
Before Lunch Prayer
Bless us O Lord,
and these thy gifts,
for which we are about to receive,
from thy bounty,
through Jesus Christ Our Lord,
After Lunch Prayer
Thankyou God for the food we have eaten,
thankyou for our family and friends,
thankyou God for everything.
1:30 - 2 - PSHE
Lockdown is a challenge for all of us. And though spending so much time with our family can be a wonderful thing, it can be difficult dealing with life largely confined to our homes and a small number of people. But it is important to make sure we are all staying healthy during this time, this includes looking after our bodies by eating well and getting daily exercise as well as looking after our mental and spiritual health.
Download the My Wellbeing Booklet and spend some time looking through the activities. You can print of the pages and stick them together to make a little booklet, or use it as inspiration to make your own booklet (see the weblink for making a booklet). Spend half an hour today filling in some of the pages and keep in mind different activities over the weekend and next week.
Next week is mental health awareness week and we will spend some time thinking about how to keep ourselves healthy. As part of this, please come to the morning zoom calls ready to share some of your thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire others with (of course you won't be made to share if you don't want to!)
2-2:10 - Zoom Call
Log on for this afternoons zoom call with a pen and paper ready for a little quiz all about last weeks work!
2:10 - 3 - Catch-up/Purple Pen/Choose Time
Use this time to complete any work you might be behind on, such as your science experiment, RE work, maths challenges or finishing off a piece of writing. If you have finished all your work to your best efforts and made any improvements your teachers have asked you to then choose from the activities below.
End Of Day Prayer
Spirit of God,
Come live in me,
Make me the person you want me to be,
humble and pure,
faithful and free,
Spirit of God come live in me.