Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 3 St Jude

Welcome to Year 3 St. Jude




St. Jude was one of the original 12 Apostles of Jesus. Jude would have followed Jesus on his many travels to preach the Good News.  (It is important not to confuse St. Jude with the apostle Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus).  Jude would have witnessed the many miracles of Jesus and was known to have performed miracles too. 

There is a story that King Abagar of Edessa (in Mesopotamia, now Turkey) asked Jesus to cure him of leprosy and sent an artist to bring him a drawing of Jesus.  Impressed with Abagar's great faith, Jesus pressed His face on a cloth, leaving the image of His face on it. He gave the cloth to St. Jude, who took the image to Abagar and cured him.   

After Jesus’ death, Jude travelled far and wide to teach people about Jesus.  It is thought that St. Jude was the author of “The Epistle of Jude,” found in the New Testament.  In the Epistle he is encouraging Christians to stand firm in their faith and fight for the truth. Even though it was extremely dangerous to be a follower of Jesus, Jude dedicated his life to spreading the Good News, encouraging people to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

.St. Jude was martyred (killed for his beliefs) with another apostle, Simon the Zealot in BeirutLebanon, around AD 65. In the Roman Catholic church, Jude and Simon's feast day is celebrated on the 28th of October. 

St. Jude is known as the patron saint of hope and lost causes. There are many miracles recorded of people who have been dying and have prayed to St. Jude and recovered.

Welcome to Year 3 St. Jude. We look forward to teaching your child this academic year.

Please see the Class Procedures Letter, PowerPoint for Parents, Curriculum Overview for Year 3 and the Class Timetable for more information.


Kind regards,

Mrs. Eddowes and Mrs. Summers

Our R.E topics this year are:

Autumn Term 1 - The Christian Family

Autumn Term 2 - Mary, Mother of God

Spring Term 1 - Sacrament of Reconciliation

Spring Term 2 - Celebrating the Mass

Summer Term 1 - Celebrating Easter and Pentecost

Summer Term 2 - Being a Christian

The Christian Family Display
