Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 6

Year 6

In Year 6, we follow The Way, the Truth and the Life RE Curriculum.  Please see below for our Year  6 Syllabus which will explain what we cover throughout the year.


Year 6 Syllabus

1 The Kingdom of God

2  Justice

3  Exploring the Mass

4  Jesus the Messiah

5  The Transforming Spirit 

6  Called to Serve

Current Year 6 Topic: Justice

•             Understand the meaning of Justice 

•             Know that we are all called to work for Justice

•             Understand about justice in everyday life here and across the world 

•             Know about some people who have been persecuted for speaking out about         

               injustice and  reflect upon what we can learn from these people 

•             Understand that we are all called to help one another 

•             Know that Advent is a time when we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birthday

•             Know about the mystery of the Incarnation and reflect upon its importance to us. 


This week:

By playing the Paperbag Game and by discovering facts about life in other people's communities, we have been learning about how injustice can be evident in the lives of poorer families.
