Welcome to St Alban's website!

Year 5 Maple

Welcome to Maple!

Dear Children/Parents/Carers,


After a successful trip to Buxton we have lots to look forward to in Maple class. We will be focusing on conversions and area and perimeter in Mathematic, poetry in English and forces in Science. Children will be writing, performing and listening to a range of poetry throughout the term so please support your child at home by listening to their recital. Towards the end of the term we will be looking at the Ancient Greeks, a fascinating topic which will be a lot of fun. If any children still wish to create a moon model or solar system model for the Science competition, judging will take place the week beginning 8th May. As always, if you have any questions please pop in to class or join your child on Thumbs Up Thursday.


Kind regards,

Mrs Folkes
