Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


We have set out each day similar to how we would work in school, but feel free to swap lessons around.

Please remember to have breaks, snacks and a good lunch to keep you going!

9 - 9:30 - Grammar

Please complete pages 2-4 of the booklet 'adverbials for linking sentences and paragraphs'.

There is parent guidance on page 12 of the booklet.
Answers for today's work can be found on page 13. For the children's own sentence they can be marked by an adult at home or submitted to be looked at by one of the children's teachers.


Please spend around 30 minutes on this task. Some children work faster than others, this might mean you do not complete all 3 pages, just try your hardest.


9:30 - 10.30 - RE/English - EPIPHANY 

Yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany - when we celebrate the Kings visit!

There is a presentation to look through and two tasks to complete on it:

Task 1 - Answer comprehension questions based on the information you've read.

Task 2 - A short writing exercise about the Three Kings journey. More details can be found on the presentation.


Be aware, when printing the comprehension work, that page two is an answer sheet.

11 - 12 - Maths (Bus Stop Division L1)

This week the children began their topic on division. We briefly looked at some division at the end of last term and it follows on nicely from the children's previous topic of multiplication.


The most important thing to remember when doing division is that you are still using your multiplication facts, so keep your times tables close in mind! Division is the opposite of multiplication. So if I need to work out what 20 divided by 4 is then I could switch it around (use the inverse) and work out what I would multiply by 4 to get 20. Of course, the answer is 5!


If you are still finding your times tables tricky then you should be practicing on Times Tables Rock Stars every day. Knowing your times tables helps you with lots of maths. If you are finding some of today's sums tricky then download the times table grid to help you.


We recommend having an adult close by when learning the bus stop method so you can discuss your new learning with them and then try and practice the questions independently. The lesson should take an hour so try and get through as many questions as you can! 


The whole lesson is explained on the presentation. Have fun solving the problems!


If you would like to recap Year 4 learning on division then have a look at the BBC Bitesize website: 

11 - 12 - Mrs Ghosh's Maths Group (Year 4 Division 2-digit numbers)

Today you will be looking at division methods to help solve division problems involving 2-digit numbers.


There is a presentation to work through which includes all the questions and answers. If you would like to see or print out the questions in full page then download 'Division 1 Worksheets'. 


If you are finding you times tables a bit tricky then keep practicing Times Tables Rockstars everyday. You can also download the times table sheet to help you.


11 - 12 - Mrs Ghosh's Maths Group (Year 2 Division)

Today you are looking at dividing numbers by 2.

All teaching points and worksheets can be found on the presentation.

1 - 2:30 - Super Scientists! (Scientific Enquiries) 

In this topic, Super Scientists, you have already started to learn about some famous scientists and the type of scientific enquiries they do. We will continue to explore this topic together throughout homeschool.


Today's lesson is in two parts:

Part 1 - Learning about some of the main types of scientific enquiries.

Part 2 - Conducting a pattern seeking investigation and writing a short summary and conclusion about what you've found.


Have fun experimenting!

2.30 - 3 - Quiet reading

Unwind from your busy day by getting lost in a book of your own choice. Bored of all the books you've got? How about trying a new one, like J.K Rowling's 'The Ickabog'. Or 'The Unadoptables: Five fantastic children on the adventure of a lifetime' by Hana Tooke.
