Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


We have set out each day similar to how we would work in school, but feel free to swap lessons around.

Please remember to have breaks, snacks and a good lunch to keep you going!


Where possible, we have included answers to the work. We encourage the children to use these to mark their work after they have tried their hardest on it. This way, they can see where they've done well and discuss what they found tricky with an adult at home, or email it to their Year 5 teachers so they can help them with it. Remember, it is not about getting perfect marks but trying your best. The best learning happens when we make mistakes. Keep up the fantastic work everyone smiley.

Morning Prayers.


Morning Prayer


This is our school,

Let peace dwell here,

Let the rooms be full of happiness,

Let love abide here

Love of one another,

Love of Mankind,

Love of life itself,

Let us remember that.

so many hands build a house and

so many hearts make a school.



School Prayer.


Please Bless our school,

as we try to love, learn, share and respect

in the light of Jesus.


St Alban Pray for us.


9.00-9.30 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


We continue our work into prepositions today and look at when we use the spelling '-tion' and the end of 'shun' words.


Keep up the good work everyone!

9.30-10.30 - English with Oak Academy (Expanded Noun Phrases)

Today you are watching Wednesday's Oak Academy lesson on expanded noun phrases. You should remember doing expanded noun phrases from last term (remember 'A monster calls' SBW?), so hopefully this will be a nice recap for you.


If you have time at the end of the Oak Academy lesson then play the 'Guess Who' expanded noun phrases game on the presentation.

11.00 - 12.00 - Maths

Year 5: Bus Stop Division

Our final look at division takes us into answering tricky mind workout questions. We have had to split the lesson on to 2 power points as the files were quite large.


Do not hesitate to email and ask for any extra guidance! 


Good luck with this lesson, you have all work so hard on your division topic so far, well done! 

Mrs Ghosh's Maths Group (Dividing 3 digit numbers)

Todays PowerPoint includes some voice recordings, I hope this helps you to better understand the division methods you are learning today. 

Mrs Ghosh's Maths Group (Year 2 Division)

Follow the PowerPoint slides to learn about dividing by 5. 

12 - 12:30 - Comprehension

This reading comprehension is all about European mountain ranges, hopefully some of the facts seem familiar to you after last weeks research project on the Alpine region.


There are three levels - 1 star is the easiest and 3 stars is the hardest. Please choose the level that seems best for you (a little challenging, but not too hard that it makes you frustrated). Be aware that the answers are after the questions - don't be tempted to have a sneaky peak until you've given it your best efforts!

Before Lunch Prayer


Bless us O Lord,

and these thy gifts,

for which we are about to receive,

through Jesus Christ Our Lord,



After Lunch Prayer


Thankyou God for the food we have eaten,

thankyou for our family and friends, 

thankyou God for everything.


1.30 - 3 - Science (Super Scientists!)

In today's lesson you will use one of the 5 main scientific enquiries to answer the question: How does exercise effect heart rate? To do this you will need to work through the presentation which has some voice recording, watch a short video, learn to check your pulse and carry out some exercises. So put on some comfy trainers and have fun experimenting!

End Of Day Prayer


Spirit of God,

Come live in me,

Make me the person you want me to be,

humble and pure,

faithful and free,

Spirit of God come live in me.

