Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Folder 2 - Spring Term work for bubble closure or isolation

Folder 2

Spring Term - Bubble Closure or Isolation


Good Morning Reception!


Welcome to your Home School Learning folders.  Please open the folder relevant to the date you are working at home.  You can pick and choose from the range of work available.  We recommend doing a Phonics Lesson and a little bit of reading each day, so that you can keep up with the class in school.  The daily activities are saved with the Phonics Lesson focus in the title (please ignore the date in the PowerPoints - these were produced during lockdown last year and reflect exactly the kinds of learning the children in school are doing now).


You can find Oxford Owl Letters and Sound eBook reading books to match every Phonics Lesson using the login details and instructions your received from your class teacher.  Go to


We look forward to seeing you back in school shortly,

The Reception team 
