Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Year 5 St Gregory

Welcome to Year 5 St. Gregory!

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome to Year 5 St. Gregory's class page.

I hope you find it helpful for you and your child during their time in Year 5.

I am so excited to work with the children this year in what I hope will be a year full of

learning, fun and new experiences!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or concerns. 

With best wishes, 

Mrs. Webb

Our Mission Statement

To love, learn, share and respect in the light of Jesus.


Our Aims:

  • We will create a caring Catholic community in which all members can grow in love, trust and respect for one another.


  • We will ensure that each member of our Catholic school community feels special as a child of God.


  • We will celebrate our differences and similarities.


  • We will help each other to develop our particular talents.


  • We will communicate clearly and honestly with each other.


  • We will create a sense of belonging between our school, our Church and our families.
