Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


9.10 - 9.25


P.E with Joe Wicks

9.30 - 10.30 MATHS 

10.30 - 11.00 BREAK 

11.00 - 12.30  ENGLISH 

Your audio lesson today is focusing upon grammar, namely word classes, synonyms, antonyms, nouns and subordinate clauses. You will need to write your answers on paper by copying from the slides.


The second half of the lesson will be part of a SAT's comprehension. You could read the text on screen but it would be easier to write your answers on a paper copy so please print it off if you can. We will provide the answers for this but you need to mark them and then we can see if you have any problems with it. 

This comprehension may take you some time, but no more than 45 minutes if you work efficiently. If you need to, use some time in the afternoon to finish it. 

The answers are from the SAT's markscheme so they are tricky to read. Just do your best to mark them yourselves and then we can look over them. Usually the 3 mark questions are the hardest to mark as there are multiple right answers and some clearly labelled wrong ones. Okay. 

12.30 - 1.30  LUNCH 

1.30 - 2.30 GEOGRAPHY 

Carbon Cycle Presentation

2.30 - 3.00  MUSIC 

Following on from Monday's percussion lesson, is today's which focuses upon using parts of the body to create sounds. Great fun as always. 

3.00 - 3.20  Reading for pleasure
