Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Year 3 Elm

Welcome to Year 3 Elm

Dear Parents/Carers


w/b 14/5/18



Children are currently looking at how to write a formal letter of invitation concentrating on the correct layout and also using the power of persuasion to entice their chosen recipient to the event.


Maths:  Equivalent fractions.  Please look at the fraction walls that were sent home and see if your child can identify equivalent fractions.


Guided Reading:   Please see the front of your child's guided reading homework book for the date homework needs to be in by.


Homework books: It would be very helpful if your child could bring this in every Thursday so that the following week's homework can be stuck in and their spelling test scores can be recorded for your information.


Reading Logs:  Please would you ensure your child hands their log in on a Friday.  Reading should be logged every day from Monday to Thursday.  If they have finished reading their Guided Reading book then the children can log other books they would like to read. 


It is never a problem if your child cannot read one evening due to clubs etc.  However, please sign the log and state the reason e.g. Brownies tonight, unable to read.




Please learn your spellings on a regular basis.  The spellings below will be tested on Thursday, 17th May.  Words ending in 'ary'












Times table tests

Every Friday.  Thank you for your support in helping your child learn their timestables.  It is essential your child knows their x2, x 5 x 10, x3, x 4 and x8 by the end of year 3.  See our help guided to learning them below.




Best wishes

Mrs Smith

Key days:

Thursday:  Homework books returned and spelling tests

Friday:     Reading logs in for me to sign and the following week's homework goes home.

Guided Reading homework: is due in the day before your child's reading group.






Our own versions of Lear's Owl and The Pussycat!

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Parent/Teacher consultations


It was great to see so many parents at the 'Meet the Teacher' session on Monday, 25th September.  If you were unable to make it, please feel free to make an appointment with me and I will be happy to discuss any queries you may have.  The Year 3 Elm powerpoint  presented to parents is below.  It has lots of important information so please do take a look. In addition I have included the start of year information letter to parents.  


Please note Year 3 Elm's class assembly will be on Friday, 6th July at 9.15 am.

Timetable for Year 3 Elm


I do try to stick to this timetable but, as you will appreciate, visitors to the school or other school events may mean that I have to jiggle lessons around!




Times tables:  Year 3: x 2, x 4, x 8

I have been very impressed with how the children are embracing and learning their times tables.

Below are some useful ideas and fun websites  to help the children learn them.  


Some tips for the x2

  • stack of coins – a stack of a  dozen 2 pence pieces and get your child to count in 2's. Look at the pattern of doubling the 2 pence pieces.
  • pack of blank cards (make them out of cardboard or paper, or buy premade versions) These are infinitely versatile. You can write down whatever items your child has problems with and make questions and answers cards (Write the questions and answers on different cards. Shuffle and turn the cards face down. The child has to turn over a card, then turn over the matching card. You can start with a small number of sets and build up.) How many card questions can your child answer correctly against the clock? Boys very much enjoy this, but so do most girls.
  • pack of cards;  If your child is ready to be extended beyond the x2, x4 etc take out the aces and Kings, count Jack as 11 and Queen as 12: deal your child two cards and ask them to multiply them.


A method that always worked with my children was to take one or two from a given times table e.g. x2 tables and then practise 2x2 and 3x2 for a few days (on the way to school or trips out in the car et).  When they were secure with these I would extend this from 2x2, 3x2, to 4x2 and so on.     I would use magnetic counters with numbers on the fridge and give them a different challenge each day.


Times table websites.



