Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Heads Welcome

Head’s Welcome

My name is Teresa Cooke and I am extremely proud to be Headteacher at St Alban’s Catholic Primary School.


The family of St Alban’s School is very special. We are a diverse school community, enriched by a broad range of nationalities, cultures and abilities. We use every opportunity to celebrate our differences and similarities and to develop our particular talents.


We are fortunate in having close links between school, home and parish. Our Mission is to instil a deep sense of belonging between all three.  We are a welcoming and friendly school and we view our parents as partners in ensuring the very best provision for our children. We strive to keep our parents very well informed about their children’s wellbeing and progress at school and we encourage them to be actively involved in their children’s learning. We place great importance on honesty and clear communication between all members of our school community.  We are an "Ofsted Outstanding" school and we are extremely proud to be partners with St Alban's Pre School and All Hallows Catholic College, both "Ofsted Outstanding" establishments.  Any child undertaking their learning journey with us will have the advantage of a seamless transition to All Hallows, which will continue our faith based education to the age of eighteen.


We ensure that we live out our Mission Statement as a caring, Catholic community, in which all members can grow in love, trust and respect for one another. We are very fortunate in having a supportive Parish Priest, Father Peter, who is a regular visitor to school. We have an extremely dedicated staff, governing body and PTA, who work tirelessly for our school and for our children.


We are a Catholic school and, as a school community, our aim is to live out the Gospel values daily. We have many non-Catholic families in our school community who have chosen St. Alban’s because they share our values and recognise the importance of them for their children.


We offer a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum, enriched with purposeful experiences and flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests. Our aim is to ensure the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding through a love of learning. We want to nurture a belief that nothing is impossible and that all barriers to learning can be overcome. Our ambition for all our children is for them to be happy, confident, caring, knowledgeable and resilient individuals, who will grow up to be inspirational adults, with a wealth to contribute to our ever changing world.


Teresa Cooke

