Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Go Green Team

Go Green Team

We are the Go Green Team.

We meet every week after school. We spend time talking and discussing what we want to achieve to help the environment and make our world a better place.  We want to share our ideas and information with the whole school community. We have lots of ideas for this year and are looking forward to putting them into action.

Take a look at our 'Eco' posters.


Recycling Unwanted Pumpkins

We decided to reuse some unwanted pumpkins after Halloween.  We turned them into bird feeders. Take a look at some of our photos.



Hello we are the Recycling Team. 


We are all very focused on raising awareness and making changes in not just our school but our local community to make our world a better place to live in.


We have meetings and discuss recycling, Eco and climate issues and what we can do to make a difference.  We then arrange competitions, assemblies and ideas to share with the whole school.  We also use the school newsletter to share ideas, competitions and tips for the children and their families.


Here are some of the initiatives that we are involved in this year so far;

  • ANSA Recycling Awareness Assembly
  • Recycled Christmas Tree Decoration Competition
  • Christmas Fair - stall selling Recycled Christmas Decorations / Recycle Game
  • Recycle with Michael (clothing bank at the front of school)
  • Stamps - we collect stamps for two charities, RNIB and The Leprosy Mission
  • Foodbank (for Macclesfield Charities to donate to local people in need)
  • Meeting with Macctastic regarding Transport to School / Wild Flowers for our outside environment






In July 2015 our school won a British Gas Competition to design an eco-friendly school poster.

This enabled the school to be entered into an eco-dance contest that would be judged by Jordan and Perry from Diversity.  Our dance group had to dance on Pagen Tiles and the dance was judged on the choreography and the amount of energy generated on the Pagen Tiles. 


We received £50,000 for eco equipment for school and the dance team was invited to spend a day at the Diversity Dance Studio in London - Our dance team had an amazing day with Diversity and school benefited from new eco lighting and boiler equipment.







We have held many great events including a whole day devoted to recycling.  Because of all the work we have done throughout this year we were accepted into the finals of Cheshire East JRO of the Year.

Louis and I had to deliver a speech to a panel of judges and Lucinda Hodges, the Waste Education Officer coordinated the event.  There were only two other schools in the final, Scholar Green and St Mary's.  Our speech went very well and it was a very hard decision for the judges.  On this occasion we didn't win but came home as proud runners up.

The whole day was exciting and fun and one I won't forget in a hurry.

Thank you for supporting us! smiley

Joss and Louis





On Thursday 19th March Joss and I went to a recycling event run by Lucinda Hodges, Cheshire East Recycling Officer.  There were JROs from lots of different schools in Macclesfield who attended.

First we learnt about the 'Love Food Hate Waste' campaign and were told about how we could re-use unwanted food.

Then the judges announced the winners of the 'Fibre Guy'' competition.  Our school had some fantastic designs and we took our five favourite models to the main event.  It was very close but unfortunately we didn't win.

However, Joss and I still enjoyed this event and are looking forward to incorporating new ideas into school.


Louis Fox






On Tuesday 3rd February St Alban's took part in a Recycle Day.  We were giving unwanted clothing to the Salvation Army in return for coming into school in non-uniform.  Everyone also brought in recycled materials for the day's activities.


In the morning Lucinda Hodges, Waste Education Officer, gave a talk about recycling and what we should and shouldn't throw away.  We were told about the 3 Rs (Reduce, reuse and recycle) and encourages to include them in our day to day lives.  The whole school found this interesting and learnt valuable facts from it.


The whole school challenge was for each class to design an item of clothing from recycled materials for an afternoon fashion show.  The designs that Joss and I saw were superb, with every class working well as a team and having fun at the same time.  You could tell the atmosphere in Year 6 between the teams was heated though!!


Finally at the end of the day came the fashion show, which everyone enjoyed.  Every class got to showcase their design and it was hard for Joss and I to decide on the winners.


I think the event went extremely well and I, as I'm sure everyone else did, thoroughly enjoyed it!


Louis and Joss
