Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 3 Linden

Welcome to Year 3 Linden

Dear Parents and Carers,


From Monday 8th June 2020, all home learning will be uploaded on to the school website. We will no longer be using Satchel:One (Show My Homework). Please click on 'Home Learning' at the top of the Class Pages window to view your child's home learning each week. Alternatively, follow this link to the Year 3 Home Learning page: 


New PowerPoints for Maths, RE, Science and Geography will be uploaded every Monday.


For English, we are asking your child to work through the lessons on the Oak National Academy website:


IMPORTANT: You must click 'Accept all cookies' when you enter the Oak National Academy website. Please scroll down the page slightly and start on Monday, Week 6.There is an English lesson for each day of the week.


Mrs Smith and I are both back at school full time so may not be able to respond to questions and queries as quickly as we have been. If you have any questions, or if you would like to send in your child's work for us to see then please  send an email to the Year 3 home learning email address:


Please send all emails to this email address rather than my personal work email address. Thank you.


Keep safe and look after yourselves!


With love and best wishes,


Miss Clarke

Our Mission Statement


To love, learn, share and respect in the light of Jesus.


Our Aims:


  • We will create a caring Catholic community in which all members can grow in love, trust and respect for one another.
  • We will ensure that each member of our Catholic school community feels special as a child of God.
  • We will celebrate our differences and similarities.
  • We will help each other to develop our particular talents.
  • We will communicate clearly and honestly with each other.
  • We will create a sense of belonging between our school, our Church and our families.




The school has a subscription to use this website so your child can access this really useful website for free.  Every child has been given a username and password to enable them to access it.  However, if your child should lose or forget them, then we are very happy to arrange for a new one to be given to your child.


Please do take advantage of this website - it is fantastic!   .  It is essential that your child learns them because they need to have a good knowledge of their times tables for both short and long multiplication and division sums.  Children who do not know their times tables are greatly hindered when they are unable to speedily recall their tables.


We have seen great results with TT Rockstars and, as you may already know, children are formally tested in year 4, where they have just 5 seconds to answer each question.  


The link (along with other useful websites) is below:
