Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

6th January 2025 Snow Day!

RE - The Epiphany Story

Today is the 6th of January and the celebration of 'Epiphany'. Listen to the story below to remind you what the story is about.

English - Christmas Holiday Recount

Tell me all about your Christmas Holiday or Snow Day Fun!

Remember to write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops and use your neatest handwriting. Below I have added some ideas to help you but feel free to write about anything you have done over the Winter break.


We have been looking at length in maths. Today's lesson is to compare lengths using < and > and the words 'shorter/shortest' and 'longer/longest'. Below are the pages from the lesson. You could also do some of your own measuring around the house and use the words and symbols to compare the measurements you take.

Spelling and Phonics

Today we are looking at the 'l' sound made by 'el'. Try writing the words using our spelling strategies and have a go at the Apply Task from our workbooks.

PE - Dance

Listen to this dance lesson and follow the instructions as best you can - have fun! Alternatively, if safe and adults allow, wrap up warm and enjoy the snow.
