Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Catholic Social Teaching has always been at the very core of St Alban’s School.  It is a central and essential element of our faith.


It is a teaching founded on the life and words of Jesus Christ, who came "to bring glad tidings to the poor . . . liberty to captives . . . recovery of sight to the blind" (Lk 4:18-19), and who identified himself with "the least of these," the hungry and the stranger (cf. Mt 25:45).


Each year we fundraise for CAFOD, East Cheshire Hospice, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital and take part in the shoebox appeal for 'Operation Christmas Child'. Our children also arrange their own fundraising for a variety of charities, often close to their hearts.


Recently, Mini Vinnies have done both a cake and book sale to raise funds to support people within our parish. Year 5 asked for an appeal for Dane's Moss, part of our local environment that could be destroyed over the next few years. Year 2 are organising fundraisers so help save our local animal hospital, Lower Moss Wood.


We also have a 'tins' drop-off at the school Reception that is then taken to St Alban's Church to help our community.


See below for some more examples...

Year 5 fundraising for Windyways Trust (Dog Rescue)

Downsyndrome Assembly and Odd Sock Day!

Fundraising for the Leprosy Mission and the Royal National Institute for the Blind

During the Years 2019-2021 we faced difficult times. It was been much harder to organise our usual fundraising events. Still, this didn't stop us! We managed to complete the CAFOD 'Walk for Water', had a coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan, took part in the shoebox appeal for 'Operation Christmas Child' and we raised money for the 'Royal Manchester Children's Hospital'. The children also loved the CAFOD 'Rainbow Run' and raised £759.


During the academic year of 2018-19, over £1800  has been raised! Many, many  thanks to all of St Alban's School Community and Parish for their support. Here are just some of the charities we supported during 2018-19.


RNLI £40.37 

East Cheshire Hospice £40.57 

Cerebral Palsy  £27.15 

Diabetes UK (Pupil led) fundraising £84.37 

Dyslexia UK    (wear green day) £248.55 

CAFOD Fast day  £357.26

Save the Children (Christmas jumper day)  £129.67 raised.

Operation Christmas Child Assembly  101 shoe boxes collected.

World Downs Syndrome Day £264 raised donated to Downs Syndrome Society

Age UK (22.3.19)  (pupil led) £120.16 

Hampers for the Homeless (School Council organised grocery boxes for the local community).

CAFOD  £316.78   

Hope for Life Foodbank (Pupil Led) Assembly to request food for food parcels for local community was a great success and many food parcels were generated as a result of our donations of food items.
