Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !




Indoor PE is on a Tuesday afternoon.

Outdoor PE is on a Thursday afternoon.


Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit available for both. Trainers must be worn for outdoor PE- pumps are not acceptable.



During the year, both Year 3 and 4 will have the opportunity to receive swimming lessons as part of the curriculum requirements. Please ensure that your child has appropriate swimwear, including a swimming cap, for these lessons.

Class Assembly


Our class assembly is scheduled for Friday 20th November. All parents/ guardians are welcome to watch. It will begin at 9:05 am.


School Hours


The school day begins at 8:50 am. The door will be locked from 8:55, as children should be in their seats and ready to learn by this time.


Thumbs Up Thursday


Thumbs Up on a Thursday morning is a wonderful way for the children to share their learning experiences with you. The children lead the session, by showing what they have been working on during the week, and are most proud of. Please note that the session is open from 8:40-8:50, as the children must be ready to resume their normal school day hours.
