Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


9 - 9:20 - Morning Zoom and Get ready for the day

Get yourself ready for the day by looking at the work ahead, we look forward to welcoming you all back during our morning zoom at 9:10am. 

Morning Session - 9:30 - 12:30

The order of your morning timetable will look different depending on when your Learning Workshop is (please refer to your Learning Workshop timetable). Try your best to complete the work set out below for the morning session. Remember to give yourself a 30 minute break around 10:30am.

Learning Workshop/ PE (30 minutes)
English (1 hour) - Creative Write
Maths (1 hour) - Subtracting Fractions

Afternoon Session

This afternoon you have a chance to catch up on work you may not have completed during the week. When all your work and purple penning is done, you can try drawing a dragon.


Make sure you leave time to look at the celebration assembly at the end of the day! 

Learning Workshop/ PE (30 minutes)
SPaG (15 minutes)

Art: How to Draw a Dragon (30 minutes)

In this video the artists draw in pen. We recommend that you draw in pencil first and go over in pen just in case there's anything you want to change.


This art lesson can be just for you to enjoy doing, or you might want to choose colours and add in your own special features to this dragon so that it represents the dragon from your story this morning. Either way, have fun learning!

Celebration Assembly (15 minutes)

Character Description Shared Writes



  • Stoick was a heroic, muscular and mighty man. He seemed to be evil , devious and terrifying. He wore a steel, warrior helmet with horns that had the scars of a thousand battles. He had smooth and silky ginger hair with a tangled, twisted and shaggy red beard. He had strong arms. He wore tough armour.
  • Compared to other Vikings, Hiccup was puny, weak and cowardly. He had a heart- warming smile with kind eyes. He had long, thin and gangly arms. He had thick, messy and wavy hair. He had tough armour and an old belt. He had a metal stump where his left foot used to be.



  • Stoick stood tall and enormous like the trunk of a tree. His strong, muscular body terrified the bravest of people as his huge muscles could shatter their bones. He wore an ancient, steel helmet that was as hard as a rock with blood-cutting horns like sharks teeth. He had fiery, frizzy and twisted hair and a ferocious, knotted red beard. He had strong arms. He wore tough armour.
  • Hiccup was a slim, skinny Viking with a friendly smile and kind eyes. He did not look heroic with his non-existent muscle. Despite this, he still showed an adventurous confidence. He had scruffy, unkempt chocolate-brown hair long enough to touch his shoulders. He had rough, dragon-scaled armour and an ancient belt. He had a metal stump where his left foot used to be.




  • Stoick was an enormous, giant-like man. The ferocious, threatening Viking had vicious and intimidating muscles as big as boulders. He wore a sturdy, steel helmet with horns made from the prized belongings of his defeated enemies. He had tangled, twisted hair dotted with dirt and a bushy red beard big enough for a dragon to live in.
  • Compared to other Vikings, Hiccup was timid, frail and defenceless. He had a friendly, warm face and a heart-warming smile while his eyes shone in the sun. He had wiry arms as thin as string. He had floppy, unkempt hair as if it had been washed in a mud bath. He had tough armour and an old belt.



  • The scarred-faced Stoick was a vast, intimidating warrior with broad shoulders and boulders for fists. Calling him scary would be an understatement. He wore a battered, skull-crushing and steel helmet with razor sharp horns he had butchered from a bull. He had piles of long, thick and mystic-crimson hair that swayed in the violent wind and his beard was enough to make a grown man cry.
  • Despite his Viking heritage, Hiccup was a lean, skinny and puny boy. He had a permanent, heart-warming smile. He had twig-like, thin arms as skinny as pencils. He had wild , messy and unkempt brown hair. His traditional belt and bulky, iron-rustic armour protected him in battle. Where once was a leg now stood a metal peg leg.