Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Week ending 18th September

Well another week has past us by and we've produced some great work.

In English, we started the week learning all about similes and metaphors. This helped us when we did our first creative write of year on Tuesday. We had to write a description of a stone age setting.

Later on in the week, we started to look at writing a diary in the role of the boy from our class story Stone Age boy.


In Maths, all the classes have been looking at place value and understanding how much a number is worth based on its position in the number.


In topic, we produced a timeline of historical events all the way back to the Stone Age.


In PE, we continued with Tag Rugby and learnt how to move and throw the ball at the same time. In our indoor PE, we have become Stone Age boys and girls and produced dances based on their lives.


In R.E, we have explored the bible and the old and new testament. 
