Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Assemblies with Special Themes

Assemblies are a very important part of life at St Alban's.

See below for a selection of our Special Assemblies!

Mission Statement Assembly

Going for Goals: SEAL assembly

Say No to Bullying Assembly: SEAL

New Beginnings: SEAL assembly

The Rosary Assembly led by the Gift Team

Children's Rights Assembly

E-Safety Assembly

CAFOD Assembly - Mrs Smith

World Book Day - Children talking about their favourite stories in the Bible

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

RSPB Bird Watch Assembly

Remembrance Day

Every year St Alban's School marks Remembrance Day which starts with our Year 6 pupils leading an assembly.  This is then followed by each class leading their own Collective Worship and participating in a variety of activities to mark this special day.  Please look below at some of our assemblies and activities.

Every year our Recycling Officers invited Macclesfield Council to give a talk on the importance of Recycling

RE Coordinator Assembly on St Paul

World Mental Health Day
