Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 2 Juniper

Welcome to Year 2 Juniper

Class Procedures


This is the letter which was sent out at the beginning of this term, it outlines P.E. days, reading and uniform etc.

Curriculum and Timetable


The documents below outline what we will cover in all areas of the curriculum and a timetable of how we deliver it every week. Have a look at the timetable if you would like to see what subjects are taught each day. It's great opportunity to talk to your child about what they've done that day!


Spring 2 Topic plan.

What we have been up to this week.............

Going 'Dotty' in Year 2! It's Art Week and we have been exploring Pointillism, looking at Artwork by Georges Seurat and Paul Signac.
Our Chestnut Centre Trip!
After an exciting week with our Silk FM visit and celebration for St Albans day, we did some relaxing clay pinch pots.  This is the first stage, next week we will paint, glaze and plant them.
We have been working on describing settings. We visited the science garden and thought about what we could see, smell, hear and feel. Tomorrow we will be using our ideas to write a fantastic story setting!

Mike Oliver's Tank Top!

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We have been looking at Paul Cezanne, check out our fruity pictures!
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter! We have been colour mixing today, a very colourful afternoon.
E B G B's to try at home. We need to practise our new recorder note E. Here is the music to play along to. Keep it up, Juniper! Next week we can try it at performance speed!


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Why we are always late out on a Friday! How can we cut Friday afternoon PE short, look at our wonderful gymnastics!
Juniper and Hazel classes looking wonderful! It's World Book Day!
We had some very important visitors!
Look at our lovely lit up rooms! Well done team Juniper and thanks for all the help from home, they look fantastic!

Our Bright Sparks!!!!


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The Catwalk!


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Recycling Day Fun!

We have spent this afternoon designing and making an outfit for our class model Faye. Looking forward to our catwalk at the end of the day!

This morning we had a wonderful visit from Key Strings. We learned lots about art and music and enjoyed listening to and learning about different instruments. Some of our children even played in the band! There was even a section on Van Gogh that fitted in with our Bright Sparks topic. Thank you Key Strings, what a treat!

The Band!

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We have had a beautiful collective worship based on our Good News topic. It was lovely to share our thoughts and feelings.
We have had lots of fun looking at the artist Van Gogh.  We have studied his painting "starry night" then recreated our own version using paint, black paper and pastels.
What we have been up to this Christmas!

We have been scientists and have used materials suchas as playdoh and sponges to experiment with pushes, pulls, twists and stretches.

In Literacy we have been sequencing and writing instructions about getting ready for P.E. Maybe it will help them get dressed quicker at home and at school.

We have been learning about Guy Fawkes and have been using different techniques to create the best firework picture. We blew through straws and flicked paint. We got messy but it was lots of fun!

We hope you like our paintings.

We have been looking at the history of going to the seaside and how it has changed from the past. We have had lots of fun looking at different examples of puppets from around the world and focusing on Punch and Judy.


We have then designed, made and evaluated our own puppets for a class puppet show.



Seaside Poetry

We have become poets this week.We have been writing our own seaside poems and have put them all together to make a class poetry book.

Come along on to Thumbs Up Thursday and have a read!

We have also been playing Seaside theme games in a P.E such as the shark game.

Check out these action shots.


Now time to relax...

After a fun-filled but exhausting P.E lesson we settled down to our Art lesson.

We sketched seaside scenes and then added pastels.

Performance Poetry- Oscars At The Ready


We have been choosing our favourite seaside poem and performing it to the class. All children performed a poem using expression and actions too.

Check out these photos and videos.

The winners are...........................



Oscar Winners Mermaid Group

The Winning Entry

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Year 2 Juniper Class Performance Poetry


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Performing Poems


Indoor Maths

We have been very busy in Maths this week, we have been estimating and weighing objects.

Outdoor maths - the class enjoyed some fun measuring activities in the science garden and playground.

Y2's Seaside Trip to Thurstaton

We all had an fun-filled day out to the seaside on Wednesday. It was a beautiful dry day and all the children, including the teachers had fun making sandcastles and beachcombing too! Check out the photos!

