Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Year 3 Home Learning - 13.07.20


Maths, English and RE



Dear Year 3,


We hope that you are doing well. We would just like to say a huge thank you to those who have sent in some of your wonderful work to us over the last few weeks/months. We have very much enjoyed seeing what you have been up to and it has been fantastic being able to stay in touch with many of you via email and phone calls.


We have just 1 week left of this academic year and we can't believe it has come around so quickly! Although our time with both lovely classes was cut short, we had the BEST time teaching you all and will always look back on our time with you very fondly and with a smile.


It has been lovely to see many of you in school either regularly or just for a day or two. If you are yet to come in to school for one last day before summer, we can't wait to see you!


There is no formal submission task for this week. However, if you would like to send us some more of your work for us to see before we finish up for the summer, please don't hesitate to email There is also no Science or Geography this week because we have completed the topics.


Once again, we have loved teaching you all this year and we wish you the best of luck for Year 4.


Kind regards,


Miss Clarke and Mrs Smith




For English, we are asking your child to work through the lessons on the Oak National Academy website:


IMPORTANT: You must click 'Accept all cookies' when you enter the website. Please scroll down the page slightly and start on Monday, Week 11.There is an English lesson for each day of the week.


Week 6 - Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Week 7 - Week beginning 15th June 2020

Week 8 - Week beginning 22nd June 2020

Week 9 - Week beginning 29th June 2020...

Week 10 - Week beginning 6th July 2020

Week 11 - Week beginning 13th July 2020


Spellings - Oak National Academy

(Test every Friday on English lessons) 


Every week, there will be an online spelling test on Oak National Academy which will be given during Friday's lesson.  The following spellings are the ones you need to learn for the test this Friday, 19.6.20. We will let you know the spellings for the week on Mondays.


Spellings - WB 13.07.20

This week's spelling focus is words with a 'g' sound spelt /gue/ and words with a 'k' sound spelt /que/.   Here are the spellings that your child should learn ahead of Friday's spelling test on Oak National Academy Week 11.










RE: The Way, The Truth and The Life


Last week we looked at the importance of prayer in our lives in order that we may grow closer to Jesus.  This week we are looking at a special prayer 'The Our Father'.  


In the book of Luke, Jesus was praying and when he finished one of the disciples asked him 'Lord, teach us how to pray the way John (John the Baptist) taught his disciples'.


Perhaps you might like to the learn how to sign the 'Our Father'

Here is a link





