Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 2 Hazel

Welcome to Year 2 Hazel

Procedures Letter

This is the letter which was sent out at the beginning of this term, it outlines P.E. days, reading and uniform etc.

Curriculum and Timetable


The documents below outline what we will be covering in all areas of the curriculum and a timetable of how we deliver it every week. Have a look at the timetable if you would like to see what subjects are taught each day. It's great opportunity to talk to your child about what they've done that day!

our recorder performance in the talent show!

Our school trip to The Chestnut Centre. Otter,Owl and Wildlife Park

The children had an exciting and educational trip to the wildlife park and especially impressed the Keepers with their knowledge of Owls. 

After a hard weeks work, we've finally finished and presented our owl reports with Miss Pearson. Hope you like our videos.



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After an exciting week with our Silk FM visit and celebration for St Albans day, we did some relaxing clay pinch pots.  This is the first stage, next week we will paint, glaze and plant them.
We have been generating lots of exciting descriptive phrases about the world around us.  We spent the morning in the science garden and school grounds looking at what we could see, hear, smell, touch and how it made us feel.

We have been recreating Cezanne's still life using sketching and watercolours.

We learnt a new computer skill today!  We had to use code instructions to catch the pigs using Angry Birds, it was great fun but very challenging,
At last, you can see our fantastic room designs.  We have added our electrical circuit to make them light up! 
Juniper and Hazel classes looking wonderful! It's World Book Day!

World Book Day

We have investigated different shapes on the apparatus.
As a school we have been thinking about ESafety.  In class we have talked about the rules of using the Internet then created our own top tips posters on the computers.
We have thinking about electrical safety. Hope you enjoy our safety poem.


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We have travelled around the world's art galleries looking at how art and music have changed over the years.  We had lots of fun learning about different string instruments and how they have some things the same and some things different.  We got very excited when they talked about our bright spark Van Gogh!


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We have had lots of fun looking at the artist Van Gogh.  We have studied his painting "starry night" then recreated our own version using paint, black paper and pastels.

What a busy Christmas week!



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We had lots of laughs watching Aladdin!

Here are some pictures of your little angels, making little angels. We have been thinking about the Annunciation when Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.  We followed instructions to make our own.


We have been very busy over the last two weeks with lots of practical and fun maths. We have also shown that we can read and follow a set of instructions for planting a bulb .smiley

Problem solving in our Maths lesson

Planting bulbs by following instructions in our English lesson

We have had lots of creating pointillism paintings using cotton buds ready for our Christmas card designs.  We used bright colours to make dots to create our picture.  We hope you like them and buy lots for our families!

We have also been looking at instructional writing.  We have thought about what a good set of instructions should have, then follow a set to make our own poppies for Remembrance Day.  

We have been looking at the history of going to the seaside and how it has changed from the past.  We have had lots of fun looking at different examples of puppets from around the world and focusing on Punch and Judy.


We have then designed, made and evaluated our own puppets for a class puppet show.






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Seaside performance poetry

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Performance Poetry

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Performance poetry

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Observational drawing and watercolour painting from our shell collection - we are getting ready for our class assembly.blush




Indoor Maths- We have had fun estimating and weighing objects.

Outdoor maths - the children had great fun sorting the PE equipment by measuring using metre sticks

Y2's Seaside Trip to Thurstaton

We all had an fun-filled day out to the seaside on Wednesday. It was a beautiful dry day and all the children, including the teachers had fun making sandcastles and beachcombing too! Check out the photos!

Launching our Seaside Topic - Mrs Clarke came to school in her holiday clothes- the children enjoyed working out where she had been by looking at photographs and objects brought back from Nepal.

The children then shared some special memories of their holidays and shared the objects they had brought in to show.

Spring Term 2015 Planning
