Happy New Year 2025!
6th and 7th January - Snow Day!
Stay warm and see homework page for today's tasks.
Year 2 Saint Peter
Mrs Wadsworth
Year 2 Class Procedures letter 2024-5
A huge welcome to our Year 2 Class of 2024-5! We are very much looking forward to working with your children this year. The staff in the Year 2 team are:
Mrs Wadsworth -- Class teacher of St. Peter
Mrs Taylor – HLTA
The following are some guidelines to help you and your child settle back into school life at St Alban’s:
Winter uniform is usually worn from after October half term until Easter. Summer uniform is usually worn from after Easter until October half term. There is flexibility to wear either uniform on unseasonably hot or cold days.
Winter Uniform | Summer Uniform |
Navy jumper/cardigan |
Navy jumper/cardigan |
PE kit PE will take place on Monday afternoons (Outdoor) and Thursday mornings (Indoor) Children will change in school at the beginning and end of the lesson. PE kit can stay in school for the whole half term. We will send it home if it becomes wet or dirty. | |
Blue St Alban’s t-shirt and shorts, socks, trainers or pumps. Outdoor- Blue St. Alban’s t-shirt, shorts, socks and trainers (or dark coloured joggers/leggings and jumpers for colder weather) |
Earrings and jewellery must not be worn at any time in school. The only exception to this is if a child has had their ears pierced during the summer and needs to keep earrings in for the next six weeks. Earrings that must be worn will be covered with surgical tape. Long hair must be tied back at all times and extreme haircuts are not permitted.
Clothing - Please ensure that your child’s name is on ALL items of clothing, shoes, wellies, PE bags, book bags and lunchboxes. If things get lost (which they often do) they can then be returned to their rightful owner.
Beginning of the school day – Morning drop off for all year groups is 8:45am. All children need to be in class by 8:55.
End of the school day – Children from all year groups should be collected at the end of the day at 3:25pm. Please let us know if your child is being collected by anybody other than parents/carers. We are not permitted to let children leave without a parent’s permission.
Communication - If you would like to discuss a matter in detail or in private, please make an appointment with us. We are available to speak after school or, if you prefer, we can arrange a telephone conversation.
Messages - Please check your child’s bag every night for letters and other important information.
Any money, letters, reply slips etc. should be handed directly to the class teacher as the children often forget to take these out of their bags. For any other messages, please speak to the class teacher directly or contact the school office.
Newsletters – Our school newsletter is sent out to parents/carers electronically every Friday afternoon. If you have not yet signed up for Parentmail, or you do not receive the newsletter, please contact the school office to update your email address. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU READ THE NEWSLETTER AS IT WILL INCLUDE DATES AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT YOU WILL NEED.
Homework – Homework is set each Friday and will be displayed on the website. It is usually a Maths activity and a set of spellings (paper copy in the folder) to learn. There will also be a comprehension activity. This may be in your child's homework folder or linked to their reading book. Homework is set to reinforce work completed in school and for parent reference. If your child struggles, please let us know.
Snacks – In KS1 the children have two break times. Children are given free access to pieces of fruit or vegetables during this time. Your child may also bring in one healthy snack every day. Please do not send in any nuts, sweets or chocolate. We also ask that grapes are cut in half, lengthways, for health and safety reasons. Please also send in a named water bottle for your child to access in the classroom. Juice and fizzy drinks are not permitted. If you are interested in purchasing a daily bottle of milk for your child to enjoy at break time, please register at www.coolmilk.com
Lunch – If your child has a school dinner, please pre-order your child’s lunches using the Dolce Live Kitchen log-in. This can be done at home on a daily or weekly basis. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to choose your child’s dinner with them as you know your child’s likes and dislikes best and can monitor their choices. Please ensure that you have entered any dietary requirements, i.e. allergies, intolerances, religious requirements, and lifestyle choices. If you have trouble logging-in, please contact the school office.
Toys from home – We ask that the children do not bring in toys / equipment e.g. pencil cases, from home as they can get lost or broken.
Long term medical requirements – If your child has a medical condition that may require medication to be administered at school, please ensure that you send in the medication and that it is clearly labelled and is within expiry date. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that medication is in date. If necessary, you will be sent a medical care plan, on receipt of your registration form. Please ensure this plan is completed prior to your child starting school. If your child has a food allergy / intolerance please bring in a note from a health professional with full details of the nature of the allergy, symptoms and medical attention required.
Short term medical requirements – If your child has a temporary illness that requires prescribed medication (e.g. antibiotics) to be administered four times per day, we will be happy to administer one dose in school. If this is the case, please let the class teacher know. All medicines need to be handed to a member of the office staff by the parent/carer in the morning and a permission form completed. These medicines will be stored safely and appropriately in school and will need to be collected at the end of the school day, from the school office, by the parent/carer.
We are looking forward to a year full of fun and learning with your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Wadsworth and Mrs Taylor