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SEN Reform

SEN Reform


The Children and Families Bill has now become an act of parliament and can be seen here:

The act will become statutory from September 2014 proposes some of the biggest changes to Special Educational Needs for many years.

The SEN team in school are keeping abreast of these proposed changes through a planned programme of training on behalf of Cheshire East LA, and this page will be updated with more detailed information as we recieve it.

In light of the proposed changes regarding the Special Needs Code of Practice, Cheshire East have been developing work around a "local offer".  Further information about this can be found here:


For further information in the meantime please contact Laura Eddowes in school or you may wish to follow the links below:


A summary of the main provision set out in the bill

Ipsea off free legal advice to parents regarding local authority commitment to SEN - they have some useful articles relating to the proposed changes
