Good morning Year 5's and welcome to another week of Home Learning. We are looking forward to seeing you all shortly on our morning zoom meeting - starting at 9:10am and there will also be a second zoom call at 2pm. These zoom calls will happen every school day and be a nice chance to check in with all your lovely faces and let you know the days plans.
We've been having lots of brilliant work from so many of you over the past two weeks and it really brightens up our days. Thank you for having patience with us when we don't respond right away, there is lots of work to be done and we try to get through to your emails and submissions as quickly as possible. If you haven't yet submitted anything then please do, so we can see how your are getting on. To help you know what and how much to submit will are placing '*submission' next to one piece of work everyday. Please submit that to us for us to mark. Of course, if there is another piece of work you are proud of and want to show us, or something you've found tricky and want some help with, then do submit those pieces also.
Keep up the fabulous work,
The Year 5 team
Morning Prayers.
Morning Prayer
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here,
Let the rooms be full of happiness,
Let love abide here
Love of one another,
Love of Mankind,
Love of life itself,
Let us remember that.
so many hands build a house and
so many hearts make a school.
School Prayer.
Please Bless our school,
as we try to love, learn, share and respect
in the light of Jesus.
St Alban Pray for us.
9 - 9.20 - Get Ready for the Day
Your morning zoom call with your teachers will start at 9:10am. Use the ten minutes before this to get yourself set up for your SPAG lesson and have a little browse of what you are doing during your day.
9:20 - 9:50 - SPAG
This Week's grammar focuses on clauses and how we can make different sentence types with them. We follow this with our spellings which are words ending in 'shus' spelt either '-cious' or '-tious'. We will spend the week learning the different rules before applying them in a test on Friday.
While it is important for everyone to follow the Spelling lessons, when it comes to Friday, if you are finding the spelling test a bit too tricky, Mrs Hanson has set some alternative spellings for you to have a go at instead of the '-shus' words. At the end of each SPaG lesson you could practice them and then do those as your spelling test on Friday.
9:50 - 10:45 - English (Oak Academy) *Submission
This week you are continuing to look at the story of Oliver and using a film clip to create a piece of writing. You will be creating a build-up scene for a narrative through careful planning and writing, using all the skills that you were working on last week (e.g. noun phrases, powerful vocabulary...) Follow the link to get started
11:10 - 11:40 - PE with Joe Wicks
There's no better way to start the week then getting blood pumping into every corner of your brain and body. Follow the link below to raise your pulse rates and have some fun!
11:40 - 12:35 - Maths
Please see the right group for your maths work today.
Before Lunch Prayer
Bless us O Lord,
and these thy gifts,
for which we are about to receive,
from thy bounty,
through Jesus Christ Our Lord,
After Lunch Prayer
Thankyou God for the food we have eaten,
thankyou for our family and friends,
thankyou God for everything.
1:30 - 2:00 - RE (Moses) Part 1
Please see your class heading for the relevant work
Please remember that half way through this lesson, at 2pm is your afternoon zoom call with your class teachers. It will last approximately 10mins. You should continue your work after the zoom call.
Year 5 Maple
You have studied the story of how Moses came to be an important person in God's rescue plan for the Israelites and how, through their trust in God, they managed to flee slavery from the Egyptians. However, getting through the Red Sea was far from the end of their story, their difficulties or God's guiding guiding hand.
Today you are going to learn about the Israelites journey after crossing the Red Sea and the 10 commandments, which are still important to our lives today.
There is a presentation to look at and some videos to watch. You can either answer questions from the presentation into your book or print of the worksheets provided. We recommend having a bible handy to! (Remember, if you don't have a bible in your house is a great online bible).
Year 5 Rowan
What have your thoughts been on the 10 commandments so far? Do you think they are a good set of rules? Or do you think some of them are outdated?
Work through todays presentation to express your ideas on this topic.
2-2:10 - Zoom Call with Class Teachers
Login to the zoom call for a quick check in with your teachers
2:10 - 2:30 - RE (Moses) Part 2
Continue your RE work
2:30 - 2:45 - Head Teacher's Assembly
Mrs Cooke has another lovely and thought-provoking PowerPoint for us to watch which will set us off just right for the week ahead.
2:45 - 3 - Quiet Reading
Unwind after a busy day by getting lost in a good book.
Recommend a book!
Have you read a book which has completely transported you to a far off place? Or one that's literally made you laugh out loud? If you've read a book you've really enjoyed then email a recommendation to the Year 5 teachers so they can share it with others.
Please include:
- Name of book
- Author
- Why you recommend it
- A short synopsis of the story