Morning Prayers.
Morning Prayer
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here,
Let the rooms be full of happiness,
Let love abide here
Love of one another,
Love of Mankind,
Love of life itself,
Let us remember that.
so many hands build a house and
so many hearts make a school.
School Prayer.
Please Bless our school,
as we try to love, learn, share and respect
in the light of Jesus.
St Alban Pray for us.
9.00-9.30 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Today's lesson looks at how we can experiment with different prepositions and looks at when we need to use the -ssion spellings at the end of 'shun' words.
9.30 - 10.30 - English with Oak Academy (To practice using speech in complex sentences)
Click on the link below to access today's lesson.
11.00-12.00 - Maths
Year 5 Maths - Multiplication and Division
Today's lesson is a review seen on the methods we have learnt in Multiplication and Division. There will be some guidance but try your best to have a go at these independently as they will be a good sign as to whether you understand the topics or you need a little bit of extra guidance.
We will be revisiting these later in the year however at this moment, we need to move on to other topics to develop our understanding of those.
If you have any questions about the recent lessons or the Multiplication and Division topics in general, please do not hesitate to ask via our email address.
Well done for all of your hard work and perseverance,
The Year 5 team!
Mrs Ghosh's Maths Group - Dividing by 3 digits
Today's lesson follows a very similar pattern to yesterdays.
Before Lunch Prayer
Bless us O Lord,
and these thy gifts,
for which we are about to receive,
through Jesus Christ Our Lord,
After Lunch Prayer
Thankyou God for the food we have eaten,
thankyou for our family and friends,
thankyou God for everything.
1.30 - 2.30 - Geography (Types of Industry in the Alpine Region)
Please look through this PowerPoint and complete the activities.
2.30 - 3 - Music with Oak Academy
You don't need any special equipment for this lesson, just follow the video and enjoy creating some beats!
End Of Day Prayer
Spirit of God,
Come live in me,
Make me the person you want me to be,
humble and pure,
faithful and free,
Spirit of God come live in me.