Please listen to the audio powerpoint below to give you an introduction to this week's work.
Hello, and welcome to a new week. In Maths today, we will be looking at a new topic of Angles ( or the measurement of a turn). Angles are all about us in daily life, from the designs of architects and
town planners, to simply giving directions and drawing plans. Today we will look at Acute, Obtuse and straight angles, as well as learning how to calculate their sizes.
In these three exercises, we will be calculating the size of the missing angles and writing our answers in. A one star sheet is the easier task, whilst three stars are more difficult. Decide which levels you have more confidence with. An Acute angle is a smaller angle, it can measure from 1 degree to 89 degrees.
A right angle is 90 degrees.
An Obtuse angle is from 91 degrees to 179 degrees.
An angle of 180 degrees is called a straight angle.
Today in the lesson we will be starting a series of lessons on the topic of persuasive writing.
You will need to work through both powerpoints before you attempt the written task.
The powerpoints have audio.
Today you will be looking about how we can keep ourselves healthy by the foods we eat.
Watch this clip and quiz from BBC bitesize first.
We will be doing Oak Academy's lesson 4 : Exploring 6 beats in a bar. Good fun like Friday's lesson.