Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


After looking at the environmental art of Andy Goldsworthy, we made the most of the good weather and created our own pieces in the science garden. Well done children - who would have thought beautiful images could be created from what is already in the environment!

Practical maths - looking at meters, centimeters and millimeters!

Investigating perimeter.

Design Technology - Bridge building using only 6 sheets of newspaper, will it hold?

World Book Day.

Monday morning yoga.

'TV Studio' verbal book reviews.

If Mercury is a peppercorn then Jupiter is a water melon! - fruit model of the solar system.

Movement of the Earth - observing our changing shadows during the day.

Stain glass window art - El Salvador - The Romero Cross

Back to back game - one of use had the map and had to describe where the continents were to our friend!

We learnt about lines of latitude and longitude this week. Afterwards, we used our new skills to play, 'Where have I burried my treasure?' in the style of battleships!

Stil life experimentation

Algorithms in action

Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000

In the lead up to our Time 2 Change presentations, we have been looking back at the sales evening.

How can different mixtures be separated? Young scientists at work!

Thank you to Nathaniel who sent us a postcard all the way from New Zealand. The children were busy making Christmas baubles today, when the postcard was hand delivered by Mrs Ceuppens. What a lot of excitement! We are glad to hear Nathaniel is having a good time - thank you and Merry Christmas! from your friends at home.

Merry Christmas from New Zealand!

Experimenting how different materials dissolve.

A glimpse of life in Y5 Maple - Autumn 2016

Where in the World?

Visit from Cheshire Fire and Rescue

Investigating relative clauses

Beowulf - Freeze Frame!