Hi, This week has been really exciting! On Monday we had some visitors into school who presented a Stone-age Workshop.
Stone-age Workshop
In Topic we have been writing a recount about the visit when a pair of lovely visitors called Mr and Mrs. Trevor. They came in and trained us to be super clever archeolagists. It was extremly FUN, First of all the children had to sort some artifacts in order from newest to oldest. Next the children played a game called "rot or not rot" It was really fun for the children. After they had finished there game "rot or not rot" Mr. Trevor came into the classroom covered in fur, It was a great experience for EVERYONE. We ALL loved it. Finally we did skeching all the children got to skech some artifacts from the stone age.
This week the children have been doing skeching of animals from the stone age it's a great experience for the children they love doing art in this subject. They are learning to use oil pastles and learning how to make the water and oil pastles resist to each other . They have being learning to draw cave paitings of people and animals. Each and every one of their drawings were absolutely fabulous they all tried their very best in their drawings I adored all of them.
In RE we have been doing Abraham and Sarah and how God kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son. All the children have been drawing a picture with a title on them e.g: "God always keeps his promises!" and lots more that we all came up with together! All the children coloured in a tent and a heart with Abraham on the tent and Sarah on the heart. They also had to write a little bit about Abraham and Sarah under there piece of paper. They all did a great job with their writing and pictures.
In maths we have three different groups Group 1 : Mr stewarts' . Group 2 : Miss Halls. Group 3 : Mrs pratt/Mrs Moran Group 1 : are doing adding and subtracting. Group 2 : are doing coloumn addition and subtraction in column addition and checking it in column addition too. Group 3: Are doing Time Lines and columns for addition and timesing. Some children are finding it hard but are enjoying learning our new rules to help making it easier. A few of the children are finding it easier than others so we like to give challenges to see HOW clever they are, we have a few brainy brains in our maths group!
In Literacy everyone has been doing a non chronological report about when we had a visit from Mr and Mrs Trevor!
In P.E we are learning how to play Rugby and Tag Rugby. All the children find it a fun sport to learn how to play. All the children are working in a team red and blue to try and pass the ball to the next player as people would do in real rugby. We are not going to start tackling for a long time!
In carosel we have three different groups group 1 , group 2, group 3 ,
Group 1 are doing sentances about spellings .
Group 2 are doing are doing the same .
Group 3 are doing sentances about space rovers and spellings .
In Assembly we have been doing the Stone-Age all the children have a part they are finding it very fun practicing. We have some very enthusiastic cave men and women. Our narrators are brilliant at saying their lines. We have some good ice age animals doing a little dance!