Hello my name is Miss Hall and I would like to welcome your children into Year 3/4 Elm Class. We have some fantastic learning opportunities and activities awaiting us this half term and I am looking forward to getting to know the class and working with them. I will try to update this page as regularly as possible to keep you informed of all the exciting new things we will be learning.
I hope you have all enjoyed a restful Christmas break.
We are starting 2015 with a...BANG! We have a new Angry Birds themed Geography topic. This theme will also filter in to our artwork, D&T and some of our Literacy. Science will focus on forces, in particular the attraction of magnetic forces.
For Maths we will begin the new year by focusing on decimals and fractions.
Please note that there has been a change of date to our class assembly.
I have created areas below for important reminders, events, our timetable, letters and homework. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any further information.
I am sure this term will be very rewarding and successful for the whole class- an Elm tree by nature is 'resistant and supportive'. As a class I hope we will strive to display the qualities of our class tree.
With best wishes, Miss Claire Hall.