Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


9-9:20 - Get Ready for the Day

Get ready for your day by looking through today's work and getting yourself set to go. Join in our zoom call at 9:10 to hear more about your day.


If you haven't yet read the comprehension for your afternoon learning workshop either today or tomorrow then please read the story and write down your answers to the questions.


Tomorrow your Book Review is due in. If you haven't yet started it then make some time for it today!

9:30 - 10:30 - English

Today you will finish off the drafts for your brochures by writing the second two paragraphs and the closing paragraph. Click on the link to learn more.

11 - 12 - Maths *Submission
12 - 12:30 - SPaG
1:30 - 2:30 - Topic
2:30 - 3 - PE