8th July 2022
There will be no homework for Year 6 this week.
We are so proud of them. Well done for all their hard work with the show.
1st July 2022
Ali Bab and Bongo Bandits - Learn all parts by heart. Shout out the words to help you build confidence.
Look up songs online: Practise at home please.
17th June 2022
Homework - to complete any WW2 shelters and return on Monday for the judging.
St Alban's Day Actors and Readers practise/learn your parts.
Ali Bab and Bongo Bandits - Learn all parts by heart. Shout out the words to help you build confidence.
Look up songs online: Practise at home please.
Full uniform to be worn on Monday, PE kits are not to be worn.
Thank you.
13th May 2022
Year 6 worked extremely hard all week at the SATs and we are very proud of each one of them. It was great to see them so focused and mature in their approach. After all their hard work, we wish them a relaxing and restful weekend. There will be no homework.