Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!


Welcome Year 4

We have set out each day similar to how we would work in school, but feel free to swap lessons around.

Please remember to have breaks, snacks and a good lunch to keep you going. Have fun!

Year 4 Team

9:00 am Morning Prayer


9 - 10.10- Maths Please email if you don't know what group you are in. Octagons you have 2 powerpoints, start with part 1 and move on to part 2. Make sure you start the powerpoint from the first slide or you won't be able to hear the audio.

Tip Simply click on 'Slide Show' followed by 'From Beginning' and then you can sit back, watch and listen to the lesson. 

10.30 - 11.30 - English: Oak Academy-

To analyse a poem 

Please follow the link below:

11.30 - 12.00 - Guided Reading, Oxford Reading Owl. 

Please follow the link and pick an age appropriate book level.

12:00pm Lunch Prayer

1- 1.30 SPAG/Spelling

Tip Simply click on 'Slide Show' followed by 'From Beginning' and then you can sit back, watch and listen to the lesson. 

2.00 - 3.00 - R.E

3pm End Of Day