Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Year 1

Friday 12th July 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 11, 15 and 16 of their Phase 5, Workbook 3. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have looked at describing movements. Can you describe how you get from one place in your home to another? Some of the following vocabulary may help - forwards, backwards, to the side, left and right.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 7th July 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 20, 34 and 40 of their Phase 5, Workbook 3. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have continued learning about positional language. Can you describe where objects in your home are, using the vocabulary above, on top, in the middle, between, bottom, below, under, in front of, behind, inside, next to and far from?


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 28th June 2024


The children have been given new phonics workbooks (Phase 5, Workbook 3). This week the children will need to complete pages 8, 9 and 10 of this new booklet. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have continued learning about mass. Can you compare the weight of different objects in your home by ordering them from the heaviest to the lightest? To extend your learning, could you use weighing scales (kitchen or bathroom) to compare the weights of objects more accurately? You may need an adult to help with this! Perhaps you could also follow a recipe by weighing out different ingredients.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 21st June 2024


Last week the children were given new phonics workbooks (Phase 5, Workbook 3). This week the children will need to complete pages 5, 6 and 7 of this new booklet. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have begun learning about mass. Can you compare the weight of different objects in your home using the vocabulary 'heavier', 'lighter' and 'as heavy as'?


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 14th June 2024

Homework is not being set this weekend following all the hard work the pupils have put into the phonics screening tests. The children have worked hard all year, and even more so over the last week. We join you in being very proud of them all.

Friday 7th June 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 42, 44 and 45. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week. Next week, the children will be taking their Phonics Screening Test. We have been working with them to build their confidence with all phase 3 and 5 sounds. 

Parent Information Video Link

Children's Alien Word Practice


This week the children have continued learning about capacity. Can you find a half and a quarter of different containers?


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 24th May 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 38 and 39. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have learned about capacity. Can you practise your skills by comparing containers of differing amounts of liquid? Which has more? Which has less? Can you use the vocabulary 'full', 'half full', 'empty' and 'equal to'?


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 17th May 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 34 and 35. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have re-capped their understanding of counting forwards and backwards up to 100, from differing start points, as well as counting forwards and backwards in tens. Can you practise your counting skills by working out what the missing numbers would be in the 'puzzle' game below?

Maths Activity Link


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 10th May 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 29, 30, and 31. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning to recognise money. They have looked at both coins and notes and have been comparing the value of these. Can you collect some money and order it from the least value to the most? Perhaps you could work out what coins you need if you buy something in a shop? You could even make your own shop at home to practise your money skills!


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 3rd May 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 27, 28, and 32. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning to sequence time through the use of vocabulary such as 'tomorrow', 'yesterday', days of the week and also months of the year. Can you look at a calendar (either a paper one that you may have hung up at home, or an electronic one on a mobile device) and look at weekends and week days. Can you find what day the 1st of each month is on? Can you find what day of the week your birthday is on?


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 26th April 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 26, 40, and 43. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning to tell the time to half past the hour using an analogue clock and have been sequencing events in time order. Can you sequence activities that you do over the weekend at o'clock and half past? Eg. At 7 o'clock I woke up. At half past 7 I ate breakfast etc.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 19th April 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 22, 24, and 41. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning to tell the time to the hour, using an analogue clock. They have been trying to remember that when the long hand (the minute hand) points to 12 that means o'clock and the shorter hand is the hour hand. Can you look at the clock at different points over the weekend and try to work out what hour it is? Perhaps you could discuss with an adult what time you woke up, had breakfast, went to the shops etc.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Thursday 28th March 2024

There is no academic homework this week!

The children have worked so hard over this last term. Now is the chance to rest and enjoy time with loved ones.


Here are some fun ideas you may want to do:

On a rainy day, go outside and splash in puddles.

Make Easter cakes and share them with your family.

Go for a walk and look for signs of spring.

Make a den out of blankets and pillows.

Make a list of all the birds and animals you can see in your garden.

Play board games with your family.

Do some junk modelling and recycle your Easter egg boxes into something new!

Do something kind for a loved one.

...and last but not least, enjoy eating some Easter chocolate whilst watching a film!

Friday 22nd March 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 19, 20, and 21. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning about fractions, in particular halves and quarters, Can you find a half and a quarter of different objects around your house? Eg. half of a cupcake, quarter of a pizza or splitting a group of toys into two equal groups to find out what a half is.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 15th March 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 16, 17, and 23. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning about division through sharing, Can you collect a number of objects and share them equally into different groups. For example: 10 toy cars into 2 groups. 


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 8th March 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 12, 13, and 14. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning about multiplication through oraginsing objects into equal rows or groups, Roll a die to get a value from one to six. This is how many groups you will have. If you put 2 objects in each of the groups, how many do you have altogether? What about if you put 5 or 10 objects in your group?


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 1st March 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 9, 10, and 18. These are the sounds/words they have been learning this week.


This week the children have been learning about doubles, Follow the link below to watch a clip reminding you about what doubles are. Can you practise doubling numbers up to 10? You could roll a die and double the number you are shown, or use objects at home to represent 'double'.

BBC Bitesize - Activity Link


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 16th February 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 25, 33, and 37. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children have continued looking at solving word problems, this time using multiples. Can you practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s? Watch the clips below to help,  follow the links to Bitesize activities or collect objects from around your home to group and count.

BBC Bitesize Activity 1

BBC Bitesize Activity 2

BBC Bitesize Activity 3

Multiples Clip 1
Multiples Clip 2
Multiples Clip 3


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 9th February 2024


The children have received 'Phase 5 Workbook 2'.  Please complete pages 8, 15 and 36.


This week the children have been looking at solving word problems. Have a go at working out a couple of word problems from the grids on the word document below. Some are trickier than others! Look out for which words or phrases let you know if the problem is an addition or a subtraction question (for example; take away, how many left, altogether etc).

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned on their reading day, so that they can be used with other children. Please encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 2nd February 2024


The children have received 'Phase 5 Workbook 2'. Please begin the booklet by completing pages 6, 7 and 11.


This week in Maths, we have been counting to 40, writing numbers to 40 in words and counting in tens and ones up to 40. Use a number generator (like the one linked below) to select a random number between 1 and 40. Can you say how many tens and ones the value has? Can you write the number in words?

Link - Random Number Generator



The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned on their reading day, so that they can be used with other children. Please encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 26th January 2024


Please complete all remaining pages of Phase 5 - Workbook 1. Your child will be receiving their copy of Workbook 2 next week!


This week in Maths, we have been re-capping some of our learning from the autumn term. As a year group, we are finding identifying different operations the most challenging. Click the links below to watch the video clips and complete the task or quiz to go with it.

Link - Bitesize Addition Activity

Link - Bitesize Subtraction Activity


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned on their reading day, so that they can be used with other children. Please encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 19th January 2024


This week in English, we have been looking at the pre-fix 'un'. Click the link below to watch the video clip and complete the task to go with it.

Link - Bitesize Activity


This week the children have continued looking at height and length in Maths. Can they compare the height and length of different objects using a variety of different units (such as hands, finger spaces, toy cars)? Eg. The armchair is 5 hands wide but the radiator is longer at 8 hands wide.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 12th January 2024


This week the children will need to complete pages 35, 36, and 37. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children have started looking at height and length in Maths. Can they compare the height and length of different objects using the correct mathematical vocabulary 'longer', 'shorter' and 'taller'? Eg. They could compare a selection of their toys, the heights of family members or buildings that they can see outside.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 22nd December 2023

Over the Christmas Holidays, how many of these activities can you do?


  • Write a letter to Santa’s elves, it’s usually Santa that gets all the post!
  • Can you design a Christmas card and send it to your favourite person?
  • Have a dance party in the living room to your favourite festive songs.
  • Talk to your family about your favourite memories of this year and the best things that happened to you.
  • Feed the birds - they can get very hungry at this time of year.
  • Get cosy and have a festive film night.
  • If you’re lucky enough to receive Christmas presents, write thank you notes and send them. Can you include something you loved about the gift?
  • And of course, the most essential thing to do is… Have lots of festive FUN!


Merry Christmas! Love from Miss Bailey and Mrs Taylor

Friday 15th December 2023


This week the children have been learning their 2D shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle) and 3D shapes (sphere, pyramid, cube, cuboid). These shapes can be seen everywhere in everyday life! To practice memorising their shapes, they can try to identify the 3D shapes of household objects such as a football, a Rubik's cube or a book. They can also try to identify 2D objects when watching TV, keeping in mind that 2D objects are flat.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.


The children have completed their Science 'Celebrations' topic in school this week. We have looked at how food can be used in different celebrations for both eating and as symbols for something else. We have learned about the symbolic meaning of a Christingle. Watch this video to remind yourself of the different parts, and perhaps have a go at creating one for yourself!

Friday 1st December 2023


This week the children have been doing subtraction sentences using numbers to twenty. To practise this, make two piles of cards, one with the numbers 1–7 and the other with the numbers 17–19. Take a card from each of the piles and write an equation subtracting the smaller number from the greater number. Can you solve the calculation? Make sure your digits are formed correctly and are the right way around (eg. if the answer is 10, it is not written as 01). Shuffle the cards and repeat the activity.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.


The children have all been given their lines for our Christmas Nativity performance. Please practise these until they are confident saying them off-by-heart. Earlier this week, they were also given a letter about their costumes. Please read this and return it to school asap. Thank-you!

Friday 24th November 2023


This week the children can try practicing their counting up to 20 using household items, preferably ones that come and go so that they also have a chance to practice their addition and subtraction. An example would be sweets in the cupboard - there are 13 sweets in the cupboard, minus 3 ate today OR add 4 bought from the shop.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.


The children have all been given their lines for our Christmas Nativity performance. Please practise these until they are confident saying them off-by-heart.

Friday 17th November 2023


This week the children can practise writing numbers to 20 in digits and words. If it is a challenge to write these spelt correctly, the child could write them with the help of an adult before cutting them up, shuffling them and having a go at ordering them from smallest to greatest. They could then try to re-write these themselves.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.


This week the children are being encouraged to make their own musical instrument at home and bring it in for our Science lesson on sound. This could be something as simple as a margarine tub with beads in it (a shaker), or a large chocolate tub decorated to be used as a drum. Use your imagination and feel free to decorate the instruments to make them bright and colourful! Please bring it in before Wednesday 22nd November.

Instruments children have made in previous years...

Friday 10th November 2023


This week the children will need to complete pages 32, 33, and 34. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children can practise addition within 20, in particular, adding values to 10. Roll a die to generate a value and add this to 10. Can your child write this calculation as a number sentence? Eg. 10 + 3 = 13


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 3rd November 2023


This week the children will need to complete pages 26, 27, 30 and 31. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children can practise naming positions. For example, if they run a race with siblings/friends, who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc? If you are queuing up at the post office, can your child work out what position you are in the line? Perhaps they could line some of their toys up and identify the position they hold in the line.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 20th October 2023


This week the children will need to complete pages 24, 25, 39 and 40. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children can practise writing subtraction number sentences and representing them in a part-part-whole model. Perhaps roll a die to generate two values. Write these as the two parts in a part-part-whole model and then work out what the whole (total value) is. Now write a number sentence to show this information. For example, if you roll 4 and 3, the number sentence would become 7-4=3 or 7-3=4.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 13th October 2023


This week the children will need to complete pages 17, 18, 19 and 20. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children can practise writing addition number sentences and representing them in a part-part-whole model. Perhaps roll a die to generate two values. Write these as the two parts in a part-part-whole model and then work out what the whole (total value) is. Now write a number sentence to show this information.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 6th October 2023


This week the children will need to complete pages 9, 10, 11 and 12. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week the children can practise addition through holding a value in their head and counting on. The values should be within 10 - perhaps gather two groups of objects and add the values together. Eg. 4 toy cars plus 3 toy cars being worked out by holding 3 in your head and counting on 4 more (without starting back at 0). 


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 29th September 2023


This week the children will need to complete pages 5 and 6. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


This week can the children practise ordering (up to four) numbers both from the smallest to the greatest and the greatest to the smallest. The values should be within 10 - perhaps roll a die to get your numbers.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 22nd September 2023


This week we are sending home a phonics workbook. Each week we will list the pages to be completed by the children. This week the children will need to complete pages 5 and 6. These are the skills they have been learning this week.


The children will also have a short Maths activity. This week can the children practise writing numerals to ten correctly with the corresponding words. Play the 'words to 10' game below to practise this skill.

Teddy Game - Words To Ten


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags so that they can be listened to as much as possible during the school week, before being swapped and used with other children. Please also encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

E-books have been added to the children's Oxford Owl accounts. The login and password details are now in their Reading Log. Feel free to choose books from the list supplied. We encourage the children to read a book at least three times. Once for decoding, a second time to increase fluency and the third time to encourage expression and understanding (this doesn't have to be all in the same night). If you encounter any issues with this system, please let us know so we can resolve it quickly. Remember to record any books read in the log. Thank you and happy reading!

Friday 15th September 2023


This week, the children have began re-capping their phonics from Reception (phase 2-4). Play the game linked below to practise these skills.

Phonics Game


The children have continued working on the number to value correspondence within 10. On 10 pieces of paper (or post-it notes) can your child write the digits 1-10? Next, jumble them up and see if they can re-order them correctly. Perhaps get them to close their eyes and remove one of the pieces of paper. Can they work out which value is missing? Now, how many representations of each value can your child find, eg. three toy cars can be placed next to the paper with 3 on it, as could a domino with three dots, or a flower with 3 leaves etc.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to their bags after reading at home, so that they can be re-read in school and used with other children. Please encourage your children to read other books and record in reading logs.

Friday 8th September 2023


The children have been working hard to improve their fine motor skills this week, so that they are ready to do neat handwriting in Year One. Can they continue to work on this by drawing around small objects (eg. counters or coins), using the pincer grip to pick up small items (eg. using tweezers to pick up things) or building the strength in their hands by playing with something malleable such as sand and slime.


The children will also have a short Maths activity. This week can the children practise writing numerals to ten correctly. If they find this tricky, for example write in reverse, perhaps they can copy the numerals below an example done by an adult.


The children will read at least once a week with a teacher and next week will be given a reading book or an e-book to practise reading at home. This weekend, please share a reading book from home or the local library to encourage a love of stories.

