Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


9 - 9:20 - Morning Zoom and Get ready for the day

We look forward to welcoming you all back during our morning zoom at 9:10am. 

Mercury - don't forget to bring a favourite book of yours to share with the class.

Morning Session - 9:30 - 12:30

The order of your timetable today will look different depending on when your Learning Workshop is (please refer to your Learning Workshop timetable). Try your best to complete the work set out below for the morning session. Remember to give yourself a 30 minute break around 10:30am.

SPaG (30 mins) - Learning Workshop/ PE

Today's SPaG will be done during your learning workshop. If your SPaG lesson is this morning then plan to fit in your English, maths and break around it.

If your learning workshop is this afternoon then do your English, Maths and break as usual, as well as PE with Joe Wicks this morning.

English (1 hour) - How to Train Your Dragon

Today you will be planning and writing the second part of your opening scene

Maths (1 hour) - Subtracting Fractions *Submission

Afternoon Sessions - 1:30 - 3pm


SPaG (30 mins) - Learning Workshop/ PE

If you had your SPaG Learning Workshop this morning that do the Joe Wicks workout during your afternoon session.

If you are yet to have your SPaG Learning Workshop this afternoon, then you should have already completed your Joe Wicks workout this morning!

RE (1 hour)



Today's lesson is looking at the beatitude 'pure in heart'. Please be aware that the video is in two parts.


Today's lesson is looking at a very famous teaching Jesus gave called 'The Beatitudes'.
