Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!


Coverage in RE:  In order to ensure a depth of coverage for The Way, The Truth and The Life, all planning at St Alban's includes coverage of the history and geography of the periods taught to extend the children's understanding of the bible stories we cover.  We also include the history of art and music to enhance the topics.  All our planning has a colour coded system to illustrate coverage of these areas and is  as follows:  



Bible skills:         Green highlight

Children read stories from the bible and eventually become well rehearsed in being able to independently locate these stories from bible references.



History                 Yellow highlight

RE by its very nature is steeped in history - Jesus lived in what is arguably one of the most interesting periods of Roman history. The history of the day will add context to the bible stories/events.


Geography:         Blue highlight

When stories refer to places – we show the children on the map where these places are/would have been e.g. Mary and Joseph’s travel from Nazareth their home town to Bethlehem to take part in the census; The Garden of Gethsemane visited by Jesus on Maundy Thursday.


Art, DT and Music:                Pink highlight    

As well as the children exploring art,  DT and Music ideas there have also been many interesting paintings to depict stories and characters from the bible from some very famous artists. We draw upon these artist’s impressions of events as a useful introduction to a new topic or to support their learning throughout the topic.

