Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Folder 1 Autumn Isolation Days

Hello Year 3 children and parents/carers!


Welcome to your Home School Learning Folder 1. This folder should only be used in the event of the class/child awaiting a test result at home for a few days. If the class or school is having to self isolate for a longer period of time, you should work from Folder 2.


We are sorry not to have you with us in school over the next couple of days but hope that these resources can keep your mind busy. There is a variety of tasks which should keep you going for a couple of days, all related to what you are learning this term in Year 3. Where possible, we have uploaded the documents with the answers included.


In addition to these tasks, please take time to be helpful to those at home with you as they try to work, learn and keep the house tidy. Finally, remember to take time to better yourself in your own interests too (for example: drawing, keep-ups or learning an instrument).


We look forward to seeing you back in School shortly!


Kind regards,


Miss Clarke and Mrs Smith
