Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Welcome to Wednesday's online class work. We hope you have a good day and that you find the work easy to do and understand.

Remember to do your best with every subject and to send the homework to us to check. But if there is an answer sheet, please use that to mark your own work.

Also don't forget the basics: handwriting, presentation, spellings and punctuation are still important. Don't let them slip! Keep up the good standards you do in school.


Today we are looking at a 2-d shape and reviewing its properties.

We will also look at equivalence between decimals, fractions and percentages and we will solve problems by finding percentages of amounts.

9.00 - 10.00 MATHS

Please note: Green is the hardest, then yellow, then yellow2 worksheets.

Think about which group you are in in school. If you are unsure, please send a message to school via email. Thank you.

Convert vulgar fractions answers

Green / Yellow starter

Green / Yellow percentage problems

Green / Yellow problem answers

10.00 - 10.30  Handwriting and Spelling

ie and ei spelling patterns

Remember in words which use ie and ei, if a c goes before the letters then the spelling is cei.

(There will be some exceptions to the rule!)

Copy out the handwriting spellings.

Then get a jotter and get someone to time you. How many times can you write the word correctly in one minute? Check the spelling first. Then do it from memory.


10.30 - 11.00 BREAKTIME - Roll out the biscuits! Run round the garden! Do something different.

11.00 - 12.00/12.30  RE and ENGLISH

WRITING A LETTER AS A WISEMAN: This is a long task and it requires some thought and care. Please don't rush this. We expect some fabulous writing to come out of this letter. You could do a rough draft first and then re-copy the letter to produce a good copy.

If you finish early you can do some silent reading. Make sure you give lots of time to this over the next few weeks. It will take you into so many other worlds and allow you to relax.

 12.30 - 1.30  LUNCH TIME

1.30 - 2.30 SCIENCE : The Human Body

2.30 - 3.15  MUSIC

Go to Oak Academy and look up Key Stage 2 Music

You will enjoy these fun music sessions. Pause the video to practise or rewind anything you don't understand. You could perform the song you learn to someone in your family afterwards.



Lesson 1: Understanding pulse and rhythm
