Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 6 Oak




Dear Parents/ Carers,

  Welcome to our class page. We hope you enjoy

finding out more about what we do in school and   

  how you can help your child during Year 6.


St. Alban’s Mission Statement


To love, learn, share and respect in the light of Jesus.


 Our Aims:


We will create a caring Catholic community in which all members can grow in love, trust and respect for one another.

We will ensure that each member of our Catholic school community feels special as a child of God.

We will celebrate our differences and similarities.

We will help each other to develop our particular talents.

We will communicate clearly and honestly with each other.

We will create a sense of belonging between our school, our Church and our families.

 Planned Activities for the Year

Meet the Teachers –  Monday 16 September 3.45 – 4.15pm in Miss Rhodes’ Classroom.

Meet Miss Rhodes and Mr. Fitzgerald and learn all about Year 6, the curriculum and the SATs.

Parents' Evenings - 3.30 - 6.30 Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th November

Our Class Assembly - Thursday 14th November at 2.30pm

Bikeability Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November

Theatre trip The Prince and the Pauper Wednesday 4th December

6 KS2 Carol Service - Monday 16th December 7pm

4 Stockport Shelters Wednesday 5th February

5 Chemistry with Cabbages  Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th February

6 SATs   -   Monday 11th May to Thursday 14th May

7 Isle of Man trip  -  15th – 19th  June

Leavers' Mass in St. Alban's Church - Monday 13th July at 7pm

Leavers' Assembly - Thursday 16th July


NB: Please check Parentmail and the School Newsletter for changes of dates and additional activities. Thank you.
