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Year 3 St Margaret Ward

Welcome to Year 3,

Saint Margaret Ward

During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in England, 1558-1603, it was illegal to practise the Catholic faith. If a Catholic priest was caught by the government, he would be executed. Also, if you were caught helping a priest, you would suffer a similar fate.


A man called Father Watson was arrested for being a Catholic priest and was sent to be a prisoner in The Tower of London.  He wasn’t treated very well and when he felt weak and in pain he agreed to become a Protestant minister so that he could be released from prison. However, he soon felt guilty and decided to go back to being a Catholic priest.  He was soon arrested by the government who put him back in jail.  Once again, suffering in prison, his faith began to sway.   Here is where Margaret Ward comes into the story.


Margaret heard about Father Watson and knew he needed encouragement not to give up his faith. She convinced his jailer to let her visit Father Watson. Each time she came to visit Father, she brought a basket of food for the prisoner. Before entering the cell, the jailer always searched her basket but only food was ever in it. Eventually, the jailer stopped searching the basket.

One day Father Watson confided to Margaret an idea he had.  “If I could get a long rope, I could climb out of this tower and down to the river. Then if a boat happened to be there, I could row away and escape! Do you think you could help me?”  Margaret agreed.


Margaret smuggled a rope into Father Watson’s food basket. He was able to climb down the rope and escape by boat. However, he left the rope behind! It was obvious then to the jailer that Margaret had helped him to escape. She was arrested. She was offered her freedom if she would tell the authorities where the priest was and they insisted she became a Protestant and deny her own faith. She refused to do either so the government executed Margaret for helping her friend, Father Watson.

Our School Mission Statement


To love, learn, share and respect in the light of Jesus.


Our Aims:


  • We will create a caring Catholic community in which all members can grow in love, trust and respect for one another.


  • We will ensure that each member of our Catholic school community feels special as a child of God.


  • We will celebrate our differences and similarities.


  • We will help each other to develop our particular talents.


  • We will communicate clearly and honestly with each other.


  • We will create a sense of belonging between our school, our Church and our families.




Dear Parents/Carers,


Please see some useful information below:

  • This half-term's RE topic in year 3.
  • Year  3 Class Procedures letter
  • Year 3: PowerPoint (further useful information)



If you should have any queries or would like to meet with me, please phone the office or email me and I will be happy to arrange a meeting in person or a telephone call.


With thanks and best wishes,

Mrs Smith




Year 3 Summer Term 2 - Being a Christian


“The greatest commandment of all: “Listen Israel, the Lord your God is the one Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: you must love your neighbour as yourself.”                                                                        Mark 12: 29-30


“The truth of our union with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is tested by whether or not we really love our fellow men and women.”                                                              Pope John Paul II, 1979


Year 3 will develop their understanding of what being a Christian involves. They will reflect on the joy and challenges involved in following Jesus and learn about these through the lives of Ss. Peter and Paul. The children will reflect on their gifts and talents and the gifts the Church calls Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. They will reflect on how to use the gifts God has given to us to be a

Christian .


At Home

You could help your children by:                                                                                                                            

encouraging them to recognise and praise the gifts and talents o

talk about their experience of receiving Holy Communion and help them to

make the link between receiving the gift of Jesus and becoming more like Jesus




Please see the Homework Page for each week's homework.  Each week the children are set spellings to practise at home, as well as school, so please ensure your child learns their spellings on a daily basis.  We have also listed the weekly spellings below as some parents like to rehearse the spellings in advance of receiving the homework sheet.


There is also information on topics being covered and further websites that are useful for practising key skills.


Spelling  in Year 3

In the homework sheet there is a list of spellings for your. child to learn each week.  As the homework sheet is not available until a Friday, we have also attached them below.   Spelling Tests are every Wednesday.  Please help your child to learn these every day. 
