Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Reception Apple/Cherry

Welcome to our Reception class page. Here you will find lots of useful information about our learning.


We have a really busy half term ahead of us ending in our year group assembly on the 21st May at 9.15am for parents.

This week we have started our new topic on Superheroes and the children have been designing and labelling their own superhero character.  We have had some very imaginative names and super powers!

Could you please ask your child to bring in a teddy from home that they do not mind leaving in school for a few weeks as we will be making superhero clothes for them.


This half term we are thinking about New Life in both R.E, Literacy and Knowledge and Understanding of the World.  We will be looking at non-fiction books, investigating the signs of new life and lifecycles of animals, plants and insects.   Hopefully, we will be getting some tadpoles in the near future.  Please keep a look out for signs of new life when you are out and about and send in photos and objects for the children to share.  Please also encourage your children to write about the signs of new life that they have seen to share and be displayed in the classroom.


In PE we will be continuing to develop our ball skills and will be hopefully able to get outside for some outdoor P.E. as well.





The Easter Story

Wacky Woods

Still image for this video

Tho Official Opening Of Welly World By The Lady Mayor.

The Reception Team

The Class Guinea Pigs

Learning and having fun!

Physical Development: Learning how to do frog jumps and the pike position!

Programming the Beebots and using positional language to find the treasure.


The week ahead...




Phonics -

Group 1: Phase 5 digraphs and trigraphs.

Group 2: Phase 4 - looking at ccvc and cvcc words.  (Words with four sounds)

Group 3: Phase 3 digraphs - practising segmenting and blending simple cvc words. This week we are learning 'or'


Literacy: Writing sentences describing our Superhero.

RE:  New Life.

Maths - Naming and describing 2d (flat) and 3d (solid) shapes.


PE - Ball skills - continue to practise catching and throwing skills.  














Wacky Woods - lunch and clothing

Trip to Wacky Woods letter

Reading meeting, mystery box, wow certificates

Homework letter 19th September 2014

2014-15 Procedures letter
