Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Summer Term

12-06-17 Macc Town Healthy Living Visit

09-06-17 Libby and Molly's Cake Sale

26-05-17 Class Assembly

24-05-17 Science (Group quiz on forces)

11-05-17 English (Learning the 'I Wish' poem)

11-05-17 English (Learning the 'I Wish' poem)

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Group 1

11-05-17 English (Learning the 'I Wish' poem)

Still image for this video
Group 2

11-05-17 English (Learning the 'I Wish' poem)

Still image for this video
Group 3

11-05-17 English (Learning the 'I Wish' poem)

Still image for this video
Group 4

11-05-17 English (Learning the 'I Wish' poem)

Still image for this video
Group 5

05-05-17 English (Following written instructions)

05-05-17 P.E. (Rounders skills)

03-05-17 Science (Forces; Magnets)

21-04-17 English (Imperative Verb Charades)

19-04-17 Science (Forces; Push and Pull)

19-04-17 English (What makes a good set of instructions?)
