Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


8:50am-9:10am P.E. Joe Wicks
9:10am-9:30am Morning Zoom Meeting
9:30am-10:30am Maths  There is a margin of error in the measurements for today's lesson. Therefore your child may get different answers to those on the answer sheet. The main objective of today's lesson is perimeter, as long as your child has added up their measurements correctly then their answers can be marked as correct. If you have any questions please drop us an email.

10:50am-11:50am English Oak Academy

Into The Woods Anthony Browne


Extra Challenge if time allows; Write an autobiography on Anthony Browne.

11:50am-12:20pm Reading

Oxford Reading Owl

1:20pm-2:00pm Science
2:00-2:30pm Spag
2:30pm-2:50pm Y4 Weekly Celebration Assembly
2:50pm Music