A Selection Of Prayers included in our Newsletters
Prayer for the New School Year
Lord our God, in your generosity and love you surround us with wonders of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon us all and fill us with your wisdom and blessings
that we may devote ourselves to our studies and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus,
You led by example in serving others.
Please help us to serve those around us in any little way,
that we can as we try our best to love, learn, share and respect in your light.
Dear Lord Jesus,
You are the source of all goodness.
Thank you for all the people who help us to grow in goodness
and become the best that we can be.
Dear Lord Jesus,
You showed your love and kindness when you welcomed the little children and blessed them.
Please bless all the children at St Alban’s and keep them in your loving care.
Dear Lord Jesus,
As we celebrate the wonderful season of Easter,
Please help us to recognise your presence in the loving words
and actions of those around us.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for loving us.
Please help us to always love you and to keep growing in love for one another.
Please help us to show our love for each other
in the things that we say and do at home and at school.
The little cares that fretted me,
I lost them yesterday.
Among the fields above the sea,
Among the winds at play,
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees,
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees.
The foolish fears of what might pass
I cast them all away.
Among the clover-scented grass,
Among the new-mown hay.
Among the husking of the corn,
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are born,
Out in the fields with God.
Louise Imogen Guiney (1861 - 1920)
Dear Blessed Lord,
Please help us to always have faith in you.
So that we may know that you are always with us
To help us to overcome any difficulties that we may face
On life’s journey.
A selection of prayers from Spring
Dear God of Wonder,
Help us to have as much faith as the wise men
Who followed your star to find Jesus.
Lead us along the right paths
And help us to recognise Jesus
In the people we meet
As we travel through life.
Lord of the loving heart,
May mine be loving too,
Lord of the gentle hands,
May mine be gentle too.
Lord of the willing feet,
May mine be willing too,
So may I grow more like to thee
In all I say and do.
Phylliss Garlick
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being by our side this Lent.
Please help us during this special time, to fulfil our promises.
Help those who may struggle and guide them with your light.
Prayer by Wiktoria, Year 6
Dear Lord,
Help us to grow closer to you through our prayers,
fasting and acts of kindness this Lent.
Help us to share the Good News of your love with everyone.
Dear St Joseph,
God trusted you to care for his Son, Jesus and Mary, your wife.
Blessed Joseph,
We ask you to be like a father to us.
Guide us and ask God to give us hope and courage,
and to keep us safe from harm.
St Joseph, Pray for us.
A selection of prayers from the Autumn 2020
We thank you, dear Lord, for everything that is new and beautiful, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy.
Bless us as we start this new school year with our friends and teachers Help us to make the most of every day.
May we show love to one another and to all. May the new beginning of this school year remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again. Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness.
Help us to learn and to work together. Help us to listen when we should and to know the best words when we speak and when it is better not to speak.
We thank you for our friends Help us to be good friends this year. Help us to be patient with ourselves and with others.
Bless our school and keep us safe. Be with us as we travel each day.
Help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us.
Bless all those who care for us In school and at home. Help us show our love and care for them in what we say and do.
Dear Lord,
Help us to help our friends if they are lonely or worried or hurt.
Help us to keep our families and friendships together.
Help our families if they are sick or need us to help to do things.
Help us to be kind to our friends and families.
Gabriella, Year 6
17th July 2020
Lord, bless our school leavers as they begin the next stage of their
life journey. We give thanks for the years they have spent in our
school and for the many gifts they have shared with us. As they go
forth from here, may they continue to live lives that speak of God’s
love for them.
We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.
10th July 2020
Dear Lord,
thank you for listening to us. Please help us to listen and understand your words and to be good listeners to each other too.
3rd July 2020
Dear Lord,
We know that we should not let our worries burden us as we can always trust in You.
Help us to always follow Your example in being
Loving and caring
Calm and comforting
Gentle and kind
Help us to always help each other.
26th June 2020
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives.
Thank you for your great love and care,
that you are able to bring love and hope through even the toughest of times.
Once more I thank you for all your blessings over us.
I offer these through Saint Alban.
By Hanna Rose, Year 4
19th June 2020
SAINT ALBAN, you bravely gave up your life to protect your Christian friend and became the first martyr in this land dying for your faith in Jesus Christ. We ask you to pray for us.
Please, pray for a deep faith for our country, our parish and school that we may live as people dedicated to the love and service of each other. May we always be ready to offer our time to comfort the sad, to be company to the lonely, may we always be there for each other even if it means that we have to give up something that we like. May we do this wholeheartedly, with love and joy following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.
12th June 2020
God our loving Father
we gather together this morning
but it’s not the same: many of us are not here
and there is distance between those who are –
not the distance of fear or mistrust,
but the distance of care, of thoughtfulness,
the distance that will help us to stop the virus from spread-ing.
We pray for friends and classmates who are at home.
We know we will see them again in real life
and value their real presence even more, the gift of friend-ship.
Help us to ‘see’ more clearly what is important,
the good things we had perhaps overlooked,
the small details of everyday life,
graced with your presence.
We pray for a better world to come out of this –
more grateful for the people who do the ordinary jobs,
more just in the way people are treated, more caring for the vulnerable.
We pray for a world which is more determined
to look after the earth, our common home;
a world that will live wisely, think deeply,
love generously.
We make all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen
Raymond Friel
5th June 2020
Generous, giving God, you loved the world so much, you sent us your Son Jesus to show us how to live. Help us to show our love for the world too, respecting and protecting it so that all people can enjoy it now, and in the future.
20th March 2020
Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour, and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you. In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick, and to assure the isolated of our love, and your love, for your name’s sake. Amen
(Thank you to Ten Ten resources, for sharing this prayer).
13th March 2020
Dear Jesus,
This week, we listened to the story of Your transfiguration,
Of how the glory of God shone through You, inspiring, encouraging and strengthening Your disciples.
Help us to always remember the importance of prayer
so that we can truly listen to You and follow You,
sharing Your light and love with everyone we meet on life’s journey.
Thank You for coming to strengthen and encourage us.
Help us to be more like You –
to be an encouragement to those around us.
6th March 2020
Dear Lord,
We pray that during this sacred season of Lent,
We will take the opportunity
to spend more time with You
As we pray together
and listen to Your Word.
28th February 2020
God of all blessings, source of all life and giver of all grace,
I want to thank you for the gift of life, for the love of family and friends. I thank you for the beauty of creation, for this great Earth.
Thank you for the joy of music,
the taste of my food
and for the unknown that I am yet to discover.
Thank you for my school where I can learn and grow in love of you
and the love of people. All the good things were created by your own hand and come as a blessing from you.
For this, I am grateful. Thank you Lord.
Loving Father,
We pray that during this time of Lent,
We will try our best to put the needs of other people before our own
So that we may become more like Jesus, Your Son.
GIFT Team Assembly Prayers
14th February 2020
Dear Lord,
Please help us to always follow you by being reliable, loving and caring.
Help us to be the salt of the earth and to let our light shine.
Prayer 7th February 2020
Dear God,
Thank you for the different creatures and cultures in our world.
Help us to feel lucky for what we have.
Thank you for family and the lots of different types of families that there are.
Thank you for loving each person in every family.
Help us to see each family as special and important, even when it is different from our own.
Year 1 Hawthorn’s Assembly Prayer
Prayer 31st January 2020
Loving Father,
Help us to follow Jesus’ call to love as He loves
And to forgive as He forgives
So that the world will know that we are God’s children
Prayer 24th January 2020
Dear God,
We thank you for giving us your peace.
Help us to spread peace at home and at school by loving and caring for one another.
Help us to spread peace by listening to one another, even when we don’t agree.
Let us pray every day for peace for our families, our friends, ourselves and our world.
Prayer 17th January 2020
Father, our beloved Father,
look down with mercy on us and all refugees.
Remember your son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
had to leave his homeland and flee to Egypt,
when he was a baby,
with his mother, Mary,
and foster father, Joseph.
Help us to be aware
of the fears, anxiety, pain, sorrow,
difficulties and uncertainty all refugees suffer,
and to remember that we all belong
to the same human family.
Holy Spirit,
please give us compassion and courage
to help them in any way we can.
Year 6 Assembly Prayer
Prayer 10th January 2020
of wonder,
Help us to have as much faith as the wise men
Who followed your star to find Jesus.
Lead us down the right paths and
Help us to recognise Jesus in the people we meet
as we travel
through life