Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 2 Hazel

Wonderful theatre treat 'The Secret Garden'

Our own budding actor, joined the cast!

Still image for this video

Spring Term

Our Florence Assembly!

We had a wonderful visit from Emma's mum, Nurse Sharon, who taught us all about modern day nursing. We have been able to compare today's practice with nursing in Florence Nightingale's time.

Rev. Harrison joined us for a reflection based on Feeding the 5000, lots of role play!

Autumn Term

For our fabulous Christmas Party Photos see Juniper's Class page.
Some of our class take part in Dance Club with Mrs Taylor. Check out the school clubs part of the website to see a few clips of our dancing!

Our Advent Collective Worship and Advent Service

Beach Treasure and Seaside Art

100 Square

We have really enjoyed been outside in our Maths lesson ordering numbers up to 100 ! (we talked it through and worked it out all by ourselves ) 
Our trip to Paradise Mill in Macclesfield for a Silk And Science day - we had such fun being Science Boffins for the day.