Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Morning Prayers.


Morning Prayer


This is our school,

Let peace dwell here,

Let the rooms be full of happiness,

Let love abide here

Love of one another,

Love of Mankind,

Love of life itself,

Let us remember that.

so many hands build a house and

so many hearts make a school.



School Prayer.


Please Bless our school,

as we try to love, learn, share and respect

in the light of Jesus.


St Alban Pray for us.


9 - 9:20 - Get ready for the day!

Your morning zoom call with your teachers will start at 9:10am. Use the ten minutes before this to get yourself set up for your SPAG lesson and have a little browse of what you are doing during your day.

9:20 - 9:50 - SPaG
9:50 - 10:45 - English with Oak Academy (Writing your build-up part 2)
11:10 -11:40 - PE 
11:40 - 12:35 - Maths *Submission

Mrs Ghosh's Group - Graphs L3

Before Lunch Prayer


Bless us O Lord,

and these thy gifts,

for which we are about to receive,

from thy bounty,

through Jesus Christ Our Lord,



After Lunch Prayer


Thankyou God for the food we have eaten,

thankyou for our family and friends, 

thankyou God for everything.


1:30 - 2 - Comprehension

Choose the level which is best for you (1 star = easier, 2 stars = harder)

2-2:10 - Zoom catch up

Look at the 'Lockdown Bingo cards' and choose 9 which you've done over this lockdown. If you can't choose 9 from this lockdown then you can think back to the last lockdown. Write them down in a 3x3 table (draw one or print the one from the PowerPoint) ready for our bingo game. 

2:10 -3 - RE