Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Personal, Social and Emotional

Things may feel unsettled right now, but one thing is clear: small acts of kindness can make a difference. There has certainly been an outpouring of kindness across the country and children can play their role too. 

Use the kindness calendar to help children learn about the importance of being kind to themselves and encourage them to share their kindness with others. They can record daily acts of kindness and review all they have achieved at the end of each week. There are 10 activities to accompany the calendar and children and facilitators can also add their own.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • write or draw what kindness means to them
  • check in on neighbours in a safe way – perhaps, put a note through their door
  • call or write to a relative
  • draw a rainbow and put it in your window to show hope
  • write down three things they are grateful for
  • do something helpful for a friend or family member – help lay the table or could they keep their bedroom tidy?
  • Remember by staying at home as much as possible you are all helping save lives - this could be one of their kind acts. Washing hands for 20 seconds with soap and water and maintaining a safe distance from others when you all have to go outside, are all acts of kindness.  

Creative Prayer Ideas
