Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


The following are some guidelines to help you and your child settle into school life at St Alban’s.


Winter Uniform

Summer Uniform


Navy Jumper/cardigan

Blue Shirt

Navy Skirt/pinafore, Grey trousers


Black/navy shoes


Navy tights, white/black/grey/navy plain socks



Navy jumper/cardigan

Blue summer dress, Blue polo shirt

Grey shorts/trousers


Black/navy shoes

White/navy/grey/black plain socks



Outdoor Learning


Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies in school at all times.

Please ensure that your child has a suitable waterproof outdoor coat all year round.

Sun hats are required for when it is hot.


Please apply sun cream before school on hot days.

* Please do not bring in umbrellas or sunglasses.  

PE kit

Indoor – Blue St Alban’s t-shirt and shorts, pumps.


Please note that no outdoor PE kit is needed.

Earrings and jewellery must not be worn at any time in school. The only exception to this is if a child has had their ears pierced during the summer and needs to keep earrings in for the next six weeks. Please be aware that our policy prohibits the wearing of earrings. Please bear this in mind when deciding to have your child’s ears pierced in future. Earrings that must be worn will be covered with surgical tape during PE lessons.

  • Long hair must be tied back at all times.
  • As the weather is still fairly warm, Summer uniform is permitted until after the October half term. After this time, Winter uniform should be worn.
  • Trainers and pumps should not be worn as part of the school uniform.
  • Extreme haircuts are not permitted.


  • Beginning and end of the school day – From the week commencing 19th September, doors will open at 8.50am. This gives an opportunity for communication between parents and teachers.  Please make an appointment if you would like to discuss things in detail with teachers. The gates will be locked at 9am. Children are collected from the classroom door at 3.10pm.


  • Pick up - Please let us know if your child is being collected by anybody other than parents/carers through our message book, which is kept in the classroom. We are not permitted to let children leave without their parent’s permission.
  • PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon.  PE kits should be kept in school all the time and will be sent home for washing at the end of every half term.  If possible we would like PE kits and wellies to be in school for next week.


  • Thumbs up Thursday – We will let you know when we feel that the children are ready to start Thumbs up Thursday. In the future, on Thumbs up Thursday, doors open at 8.40am. This gives an opportunity for the children to participate in activities with their parents/carers. The session will finish at 8.55am.


  • School bags – please use the school book bags and school PE bags – we only have a limited space to hang these and larger rucksacks take up too much room.  Please check your child’s book bag every night for letters and other important information  Any money, letters, reply slips etc should be handed directly to one of us as the children often forget to take these out of their book bags.


  • Milk – School milk is available FREE for children under five and costs around £15 a term for over fives.  If you are interested please register at  Please note you must register even if your child is under five.


  • Snacks – your child should bring in one healthy snack every day. Please do not send in any nuts, sweets or chocolate. We also ask that grapes are cut in half, lengthways, for health and safety reasons. Snacks should be sent in their school book bag so that the children can store them in their personal trays and access them independently. Children do not need additional bags or boxes for their snacks. We go for school lunch at 11.30am so the children have their free school fruit in the morning and then eat their snack from home in the afternoon.


  • Drinks – As children have access to water throughout the day and at snack time there is no need for them to bring in a drink from home.


  • Clothing - please ensure that your child’s name is on ALL items of clothing, shoes, wellies, PE bags, book bags and lunchboxes.  If things get lost (which they often do!) they can then be returned to their rightful owner.


  • Cooking money – We will be starting cooking on a weekly basis and ask for a £3.00 contribution each term to cover the costs of the ingredients.  Please send this in with your child in a named envelope by Friday 30th September.


  • Website – Don’t forget to check our class page on the school website as we update this on a regular basis with lots of information and photos about what we have been doing in class and what is coming up.


  • Toys from home – We ask that the children do not bring in toys / equipment e.g. pencil cases, from home as they can get lost or broken.  The children will get the opportunity to ‘show and tell’ things from home through the Mystery Box later on in the term.


  • Visits and Visitors – we follow a very rich curriculum which encompasses class trips and visitors to school throughout the year. You will receive information about these nearer the time.


  • Medical – if your child uses an inhaler please ensure that he/she has an inhaler in school which is clearly labelled and is within expiry date.  It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that medication is in date. If your child has a food allergy / intolerance please bring in a doctor’s note with full details of the nature of the allergy, symptoms and medical attention required.
  • Newsletters – the school newsletter is sent out to parents/carers electronically every Friday afternoon. If you have not yet signed up for Parentmail or you do not receive the newsletter please contact the school office to update your email address.  PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU READ THE NEWSLETTER AS IT WILL INCLUDE DATES AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT YOU WILL NEED.