Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!


9-9:20 - Get Ready for the Day

Get ready for your day by looking through today's work and getting yourself set to go. Join in our zoom call at 9:10 to hear more about your day.


To get your mind warmed up have a go at Boggle! Try and race someone in your house to find the longest and the most words in 3mins!


If you haven't yet read the Poem for your afternoon learning workshop either today or tomorrow then please read the poem and jot down your answers to these questions:

1) Whose perspective is the poem from?

2) Write down 3 facts you can find about the author.

3) How does the poem make you feel?

9:30 - 10:30 - English with Oak Academy *Submission


11 - 12 - Maths

Please see your groups maths work for the day

12-12:30 - PE
1:30 - 2 - SPaG

2-3 - RE

Year 5 Maple (Inspirational People L1)

Year 5 Rowan (Inspirational People L3)